Whats your guys opinions on smokin a lil dank for relaxation of mind, body, soul.
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DANK, WEED, BUD....good for training???!!
Dont know about the brain damage but I do know that it does reduce brain function for short periods of time. If I dont smoke for a few days or so my vocabulary goes up as does short term memory. But it is anti productive to cardio, just like cigs.
So I dont think it will help with training. It is most definitely harmful but how much I cannot say. I had been doing it for about 3 years day in and day out for most of the day and now that I stopped I notice that I am less relaxed but feel much better during the day cause I am not burning out. But the heavy bag will do the same thing that weed does for temper.
Just throw a few rounds into that thing and see if you are angry anymore.
Pot is the DEVIL!
Ok, not really. But never tried it and never will. I was around it a lot in High School and it doesn't bother me when others do it, but my lung capacity has always been crappy and I just can't see making it any worse on purpose.
I'm all strung out on caffeine. I can't imagine being addicted (mentally or physically) to an expensive drug.
Most potheads including me dont consider pot a drug. It just doesnt really effect you enough. It doesnt affect my motor skills it just speeds your heart rate up so its hard to do physical activity. Thats why anyone who smokes up usually ends up on the couch.
But yes it is expensive, I am just glad I dont do coke or anything like that. I couldnt afford that at all. 80 bucks for a gram vs 10 for weed..... I have seen coke heads before and I can get just as stoned off pot.
This reminds me of the parasite thread.
"Don't eat for 6 months, that'll kill off at least one parasite".
I echo that advice for you.
Originally posted by shadowkillerMost potheads including me dont consider pot a drug. It just doesnt really effect you enough. It doesnt affect my motor skills it just speeds your heart rate up so its hard to do physical activity. Thats why anyone who smokes up usually ends up on the couch.
But yes it is expensive, I am just glad I dont do coke or anything like that. I couldnt afford that at all. 80 bucks for a gram vs 10 for weed..... I have seen coke heads before and I can get just as stoned off pot.
I think certain strains can help relax a tense body and help chi flow (Northern lights, skunk varieties, and any other good BODY high). I also notice when I do falun dafa and chi excercises when I'm high, I can really feel the chi flowing through my body (not that I can't when Im not high).
Everybody's different though.
and shadowkiller you are right about not doing coke. It fawks u up way more than weed (long term) and is WAY to expensive. Hey, 10 bucks a gram, NOT A BAD DEAL! I'm used to 20 but thats because I used to live in the bay area and people are all about their money over there.
Why the **** do you come and ask if it's bad, then come back with your own answer?
Dude, along with smoking weed, you should try smoking dynamite. That'll get you messed up!!
In all seriousness, I do have an issue whether or not it is actually "bad". Yes, the nicotine in the cigarette is - so don't smoke it.
Also, the legal ramifications are. Getting a drugs rap is no fun if you want a job. But thats the law's fault, not the drugs.
I bet it would do your head in, if you ate it in large quantities over a long period of time. But what wouldn't?
If dope was legal it could not only be taxed, it would also keep people away from the illegal drug dealers, as well as their violent tendencies and more dangerous drugs.
But, if it is currently illegal in your country, don't do it.
Just my view.
Sean if you dont have anything constructive to say. Keep your fucking mouth shut. We saw your last reply and ignored it so why bother.
I am getting really annoyed with people that have no fucking clue what pot really does to you, telling me its bad and evil. Do you know why it is bad? I really bet you dont. It would be a great cash crop if it were legal here in canada. In all honesty I dont know anyone my age that hasn't at least tried it. And almost all of them after trying it do it again. There are many arguments on if it is worse then cigarette smoke but I am under the impression that it isnt. I used to smoke cigs for almost 5 years and that really messed me up. Any physical activity is harder to perform without getting winded. I used to skateboard and this was a very large problem for me. But when I quit it took me about a month to get back to almost normal.
Pot doesnt seem to do the same thing. I dont get morning coughs, I dont get flem buildup and I dont have trouble breathing. On the contrary, if I have a cold, I smoke a little bowl and it clears up my sinuses. There are so many good uses for pot nowadays and everyone is jumping on band wagon. Tons of health care officials have given their endorsment to it lately and more and more are doing so each day.
I agree with bri wholeheartedly on this one. If it is illegal in your country, and you do it then when you get caught you deserve it completely. But if the gov were to legalize it and sell it like they do cigarettes it would get quite a few people off the streets looking for it and being introduced to harder drugs.
I have noticed lately all the anti pot commercials and they are retarded. They used to be that we started fights and raped women when high. But that couldnt be farther from the truth. The last thing I want to do when I am high is get into a fight or have sex. It just doesnt work all that well. Now the commercials show individuals hitting children with cars cause we are stupid when stoned. As I said earlier pot doesnt affect my motor skills and while it might make my brain function a bit slower, I am still not going to go run kids down.
"Sean if you dont have anything constructive to say. Keep your fucking mouth shut. We saw your last reply and ignored it so why bother.
I am getting really annoyed with people that have no fucking clue what pot really does to you........"
See how it chills you out?