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I just dont feel like working out any more

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  • I just dont feel like working out any more

    I work out every other day but I have'nt trained for over 2 weeks I dont know why I just dont feel theres any motivation

  • #2
    Happens to everybody. Change the routine. Vary the level of intensity. Do something else that is physical and fun.

    Go bicycling in the park.
    Go hiking in the woods.
    Climb a hill
    Rent a kayak
    Play tag football with a few friends.
    Get a training partner and make a bet to not be absent from training. (friendly accountability)

    Sometimes we think a workout isn't worth doing unless it's intense and challenging. T'ain't necessarily so, if the alternative is to do nothing.


    • #3
      it happens from time to time. take a break and do something else.


      • #4
        But you've asked so many newbie questions, I bet that two weeks is almost the entire time you've been into martial arts.

        If you don't like it, get out! Life's too short!


        • #5
          Thai balls. what the **** are you talking about Ive been stuying martial arts for 12 years and I was just asking to see if anyone feels the same way


          • #6
            12 years? with all this dumb questions you ask? Balls to you Sir!


            • #7
              12 years? Your profile says 7 and 3 months.


              • #8
                Originally posted by mafiaboy
                12 years? Your profile says 7 and 3 months.
                I was using my little bros account but Im looking to get my own acount just cant be pissed


                • #9
                  Firstly, take a break of a couple of weeks. It won't kill you, and you won't lose anything that won't come back after the first session back.

                  Reassert why you're training. What are your reasons? Are they still valid? Heres mine - 1. Protect my family from violent nuts. 2. Keep fit and healthy, for a lonnnng and happy life. 3. Coz I like to hit things, kick things, and talk about hitting and kicking things.

                  Yes. I've been in the stage where I "can't be arsed". But I've always come out of it. I only train 3 times a week so, when its training time I'm raring to go. But, when I'm not too keen, I think of the above 3 reasons and all is well.

                  Hope it helps!


                  • #10
                    I've been on a break for a year.

                    Feels good.


                    • #11
                      try a different style.... It's helped me..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by johnnyada1
                        ... I was just asking to see if anyone feels the same way

                        I feel the same way all the time. I've NEVER liked training.


                        • #13
                          if the motivation is there...then... no i dont think people get bored...

                          go get people to critisize your looks... things like "fatty" "ugly" "slob" make people want to workout...

                          it worked for Jared...

                          but really... taking a break could work, unless your lazy, then that break will BECOME your workout...

                          a motivation key is always the best thing my opinion...



                          • #14
                            I guess it's a personality thing. I don't like working out but I like the results.

                            I like being strong competition. I like outlasting an opponent (cardio). I like being stronger, faster, more flexible, etc. than the opponent. And I would love it if I could accomplish all that without putting any effort into it, laying around all the time and eating like a hog and magically being in fantastic shape. Hey, I can dream, can't I?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HandtoHand
                              You just dont have the commitment you must focus and beat the crap out of your self. JK
                              Oh no, I do have the comitment. I've trained while sick, I've trained while injured, I've run miles in bad weather, etc. etc. etc. just to be able to compete. And this is supposed to be just a "hobby" for me; "My hubby spends all his spare time golfing, what does yours do for fun?"
                              "Oh mine is into martial arts. His idea of fun is fighting and getting the beejeesuz beat out of him a couple of times a week."

                              I'm just honest enough to admit that training isn't all that much fun. Training is hard, uncomfortable, painful, boring, etc. It's the results of all that training that have been rewarding.

