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My wrist

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  • My wrist

    Ok I am not in martial arts at this time but i was.....and I am going to do it again soon. But my hand....not really my wrist hurts every time i hit something. I can't even shake someones hand to hard or it throbs with pain. I hurt it about 4 months ago punching my punching bag.....i was punching it REALLY hard because i was mad at the moment and i even bent the steel hooks and cracked the wooden support beam in my basement. I was wailing it hard. I went for x rays and nothing showed up. then i went for the most sensative test that anyone can get and still nothing showed up. But my hand still hurts. Does anyone know what I can do to at least minimize the pain a little? Any help would be appreciated. Thanx


  • #2
    I hurt my wrist about a month ago hitting the heavy bag as well. I just let it rest for about a week and later on did quite a few wrist curls to get it stronger. You say this happened about 4 months ago so I really dont know what to say. Do you still hit the heavy bag, with you wrist like that? What kind of bar are you using for curls and so on? Dont really know what else to say. Have you been to a chiropractor or massage therapist? My best friends mother is a massage therapist and this has been such a great use to me.

    My wrist is back to normal now but I learned my lesson.

    Always wear handwraps.


    • #3
      Not everything shows up on x-rays. I had messed up my wrist in a dirtbike accident. I got x-rays and nothing showed up. I went a week later and still nothing so I thought nothing of it. A few months later my wrist still was in pain. I could not bend my wrist or put any pressure on it. I went back to the doctor and got some more x-rays. They found out that my wrist was broke and had been even more damaged from me not doing anything about it. I ended up having to have bone removed from my hip and put into my wrist because the bone in my wrist had died because of all the stress. I could not walk or use my left arm for weeks which could have been prevented if they had spotted the break earlier. I'm not saying your wrist is broke, just be careful not to put to much strain on it.


      • #4
        well thanx both of you......but for x rays being wrong i don't think so.......i had like 3 sets of normal x rays and then some special x ray which was supposed to pick up more complicated stuff and then i went and got the best xray i could get twice and still when i get back into the martial arts i will just wrap my hand up! easy!



        • #5
          Hi! Take time to see chiropractor. X-ray can only see a fracture or a tumor. If you have a misalignment of any bone (and the are about 20 of them in a hand), X-ray won’t pick it up. What you describe sounds much like that is the case. It could be, that you just need a hand adjustment. Good luck.

