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BREAKFAST!! (please help)

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  • BREAKFAST!! (please help)

    I hate breakfast so much. There is never anything good to eat. And you can only have eggs so much. Plus, correct me if Im wrong, you shouldnt eat eggs everyday right? because of the cholestoral or whatever. I need to know what the hell else I can eat for breakfast that doesnt involve eggs! Im not on a low-carb diet or anything like the rest of america seems to be. The only time i dont eat carbs is at night time. Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    Oatmeal is good stuff, and stuff like Shredded Wheat.

    Mix in a chopped banana or a few strawberries, and a glass of milk maybe?

    Kiwis are also loaded with good nutrients if you can chop them up and add them to some oatmeal.


    • #3
      I'm on a high-protein weight-training type program and I have to eat breakfast - one of my six meals per day.

      You can eat eggs everyday, but not the yolks. Separate the eggs or get "Eggbeaters" or some other non-yolk product and mix them with lean ham, sauteed onions and bell peppers and make breakfast burritos using fat free tortillas or pita (pocket bread). Do NOT go thru a drive-thru for the equivalent - that stuff will kill you!

      Hot oatmeal is great with protein powder and chopped fruits.

      How about a protein shake, blend it up and take it "to go".

      If all that seems like too much work, boil a dozen eggs and keep them handy in the fridge for "grab and go" breakfasts and snacks - pure protein pleasure!
      Just dont eat the yolks.

      Same goes for "wraps" - lean or fat-free ham or turkey breast, wrapped in a fat free tortilla ahead of time. You can get fat-free ricotta cheese or cottage cheese and zap it in the microwave until it gets creamy, gooey or stringy like regular cheese.

      Sometimes I eat fish for breakfast; salmon or whitefish or trout, grilled the night before and wrapped in whole wheat pita.

      You should get a recipe book. You gotta have your breakfast!


      • #4
        Breakfast cereal is fine for the average joe like myself. It takes minimal time to make, it comes in a bazillion different flavors, and you get neat little characters on the box to serve as a faithful mascot for your brand.

        I usually get a new brand of cereal every 2 weeks and just keep it on a rotation. Lots of good carbs, vitamins, and when you mix in the milk, you add some good protein and calcium. I can't start my morning without it.... the rice crispey elves make me do it!


        • #5
          Raisin Bran is a good cereal for breakfast (tastes good and nutritious). Or pretty much any cereal high in fiber. I believe you need about 25 grams of fiber each day. Just one cup of rasin bran has 7. Fiber One cereal has the most fiber at 14 grams! Apples add fiber as well. Bananas add potassium which is depleted during workouts. One or two eggs are fine to eat everyday (including the yolk) as the cholesterol in them has been shown in research studies to have minimal effects on your body's level of cholesterol and it is one of the purest forms of protein available. So enjoy the incredible, edible egg! If you do any kind of physical activity, a low-carb diet is not the way to go. A good mix of calories (25-30% protein, 25-30% fat and the rest in carbs) will be your best bet. Just stay away from trans fats and refined carbs. This is my 2cents worth on breakfast and daily nutrition.


          • #6
            I usally eat a bowl of special K every day. Has almost no fat whatsoever and is pretty high in protien. Its really the same thing as rice krispies cept there is like a quarter of the suger. But most bran cereals are pretty good too, and yes oatmeal is very good.


            • #7
              How about fat free yogurt? Carbs, proteins, calcium, cool, refreshing, sweet and convenient, all you need is a spoon.


              • #8
                Thank you to everyone that replied! Now I need to go to the grocery store to buy a lot of that stuff... Because living in a typical Armenian house hold most of our stuff is veerrrrrrrrryyyyyy high in carbs. Haha... yep... ok well thanks again!


                • #9
                  -try those healthy cereals
                  -personnaly i this cereal called "Vector"
                  -and whenever i run around the block in the mornings i eat (Eggs, Bacon, Beans, whole wheat bread, oranges, and milk)


                  • #10
                    Yeah vector is very tasty. It is one of the best health concious cereals there is I believe. Has much of the daily nutrients you need.


                    • #11
                      I'd stick with oatmeal vs boxed cereals.

                      My typical breakfast: oatmeal with blueberries and honey, 2 eggs, pears or peaches canned in pear juice (Kroger or other grocery carries them), cottage cheese. The cholesterol in eggs isn't a to your hearts content. Unless you're eating a dozen a day, don't worry about the yolks either. I eat 3 eggs each day, sometimes having only 2 yolks, sometimes all 3...just depends on what flavor I want.

                      Osopardo, the only problem with the majority of yogurts is that they contain sugar in the form of high fructose corn syrup...avoid HFCS as much as you can.


                      • #12

                        Some natto over a bowl of steamin' hot rice hits the spot!


                        • #13

                          Natto over rice????

                          If you can eat this, you can eat an athlete's socks or a pair of vagrant's unwashed underwear and your courage and stamina are to be commended.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Nazman
                            Natto over rice????

                            If you can eat this, you can eat an athlete's socks or a pair of vagrant's unwashed underwear and your courage and stamina are to be commended.

                            Feh! You have no taste!


                            • #15
                              Feh! You have no taste!
                              If I didn't have taste would there be a problem?

                              Seriously though, any low GI food is good. Oats are good. I will admit the Japanese breakfast is good (except for the natto)...


