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Eating Habits - What to eat?

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  • Eating Habits - What to eat?

    Hey all, I know I am a new registered member of this forum, but I surf regularly and I was hoping you guys could help me out. I am a freshman, and am on the High School Baseball team. We practice after school (around 2:45), and its generally a pretty good workout. Now I have been doing MA training in the morning before school, and usually do hand/foot techniques, then jogging/sprinting. After that, I eat some oatmeal and honey, with some sliced banana on top. But then I have to go to school, and everything there is really unhealthy but I don't really know what I can make to bring. I am trying to lose some weight and improve my stamina for baseball and ma, so I want something pretty healthy for lunch. (which rules out school food, as I said before). What would you guys recommend bringing for lunch? Also, if you guys get hungry between meals, what do you eat for a healthy snack? (I've heard that fruits after all may not be the best thing - this true?) Thank you all for helping me out on this, I greatly appreciate it.

    NOTE: I apologize if someone has asked this before - i tried searching, and didn't come up with anything that really helped me, except for Umaa's sprinting/running guide. Thanks Umaa!!!! Oh and I'm not sure who posted the oatmeal with honey and blueberries - thanks, that stuff is really good and healthy too!

  • #2
    you could bring tuna sandwhiches and an apple or something..


    • #3
      Tuna was a good suggestion. The only thing you need to do it remember to use plastic wrap instead of aluminum foil to contain the smell. I used to bring my tuna sandwiches in foil with me to school until I was asked to do otherwise.

      Also, you can try granola bars. Nature Valley (I think thats it) has some cool peanut butter ones that are good to snack on until you get something later in the day. They are also individually wrapped so its easy to carry along.

      Another suggestion, pack some mixed nuts (almonds/walnuts) or trail mix (minus M&M's!) into a ziploc. The nuts will provide some good mono fats to fill you up for a bit.

      Hope this helps!


      • #4
        i just eat whatever i want, to be honest. just dont go overboard when you eat and it will be fine, unless your trying to make yourself into a super tuned athlete machine, which may or may not be your goal.

        btw, im not sure if they have chicken burgers at your highschool, but they did at mine and they were delish.

