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My Physique Picture

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  • #31
    to get massive arms etc you need to do loads of weight training which is not a thing you should be doing if you practise martial arts. Muscle built for a purpose from repeated punching aids in carrying out that task better and faster.

    As for Tyson he could never achieve the kind of punching speeds Bruce Lee could. All that massive muscle bulk created by weigths and steroids adds weight and is reffered to as dead weight.


    • #32
      Lol see my post proved that this guy is just a dumb prick looking for compliments... look you dumb shit.. i dont need to post a picture of myself because i dont need to be validated about what my body looks like from people on the internet... (no offense to anyone else)... your obviously a stupid prick if you think muscle mass is worse... girls dont want a guy they can push over... and for the record... Mike tyson could beat the shit out of bruce lee anyday... it wouldnt even be close... it would go something like this... tyson runs forward... bruce kicks him in the abs.. tyson laughs at him and goes... yeah im a boxer with good conditioning not a ripped piece of shit like you with no real muscles.. then punches him in the head.. and bruce dies.. because a heavy weight boxer (especially one with tysons punching power) could easily kill someone without gloves on... now back to you... your a prick... why would you care about what these people on the internet think.. ur just looking for compliments soo you dont end up fucking killing yourself cause all you do is sit in ur parents house and do crunches all day so you can impress some people on the internet... and then say "im going to the beach to impress the ladies"... god you prolly do pilates or something... fucking women... not that theres anything wrong with women.. well there maybe somethign wrong with them for you... "being called a fag is a good compliment"... your like the kid who comes to the place i workout.. flexes his arm .. his bicep is tiny but really hard and he goes to all his friends "yeah i call it the silver bullet..." god kids like you just take up space in the weight room... your like a fucking 14 year old who does bench press and brings the weight down about 2 inches then puts it back up ... and then acts tough around his dipshit friends who dont know any better... oh but wait you just have to act tuff in front of your mirror cause you cant fucking leave your parents bed room cause you might see a girl then youd have to run away... oh and just for your info ... this is a martial arts forum... this is a fitness section in the martial arts forum... for martial arts related fitness.. you fucking douchebag... honestly... go whack off to your gay porn now bud.


      • #33
        Hmm, well I did read Bruce Lee had a sidekick that was capable of smashing a 200 pound heavybag into the ceiling so I wouldn't say Tyson would go through a Bruce Lee sidekick that easily.

        Now I am no Bruce Lee fan, but the guy WAS very strong and fast; muscle size and muscle strength are two different things. It depends on genetics. Some people need to grow much larger muscles to achieve certain levels of strength, while others can achieve those same strength levels with much smaller muscles. It depends.

        Muscle size will NOT slow you down; it only will if you simply train the muscles to be just pure bulk. OR, if you are like 6 feet tall with 350 pounds of muscle packed on, then YEAH, it will start to slow you down some because you simply have too much bulk. But if you are just very muscled-up person, who trains in fighting properly, then as long as the muscle doesn't get in the way, you will still be very fast.


        • #34
          gaining muscle mass wont slow u down man, unless u are already big and slow to begin with. im a small slender guy who gained 25 lbs of pure muscle, and i didnt lose any speed or flexibility. im way faster now and much more flexible than before. muscle mass slowing u down is a myth, and i think it has to do with people who just werent dedicated enough to make some real gains. u dont have to look like arnold, but u can for sure fill out a bit and look like a real man.

          also, look at how many pro fighters are built as hell. pretty much all of them lift weights.


          • #35
            SamuraiGuy you don't even deserve a response to the shit you're talking, because from reading what you've put, your clearly incapable of pulling your head out of your arse nevermind writing something remotely intellegent or insulting.
            and HandtoHand maybe you two should join up as you seem to have a lot in comman and give SamuraiGuy some 'Hand to Hand'

            As for muscle mass slowing down blah blah....
            try and do an experiment by swinging a sledge hammer towards SamuraiGuy's face whilst at the same time striking HandtoHand with a cane in the face....and see which one reaches who first......


            • #36
              did i see you were 20 damn i have bigger arms then that im 5 yrs younger. just wanted to say that you make me proud. of myself thanks


              • #37
                in that case, your mother should have double flushed after she had that crap.


                • #38
                  Yeah see there you go.. the 15 year old with bigger arms.. good for you man... glad to see not everyone is a pussy... the reason Ajay ... his real name is .. A Gay... but yeah the reason he wont comment on any of my stuff is he knows hes a dumb shit "get your head out of your ass" ... yeah thats a good way to prove that my points are wrong... instead of making a sensible argument against me he just says i have my head in my ass... thats cause hes got no defense to the points i bring up... and the whole sledgehammer thing and the cane thing... its different then muscles you **** knob.... say some guy has 20 inch arms... and the other guy has 15 inch arms... the muscle on the 20 inch guys arms are propelling it to move faster... because they can move more weight.. you see what i mean you dumb ****.. i dont know how to explain it any more lightly... its just like the guy with 20 inch arms being able to push oh i dunno.. X amount of weight... as fast as 15 inch arm guy can push a smaller amount of weight... with muscles its porportional you dumb ****... sledgehammers and canes.. jeez could u even pick up a sledge hammer.. dont know how your abs are gonna help you there you stupid prick... and anyway who needs a sledgehammer to win a fight... i think uve been watching too match WWE wrestling you homo... "im gonna hit you with this sledge hammer" ... real good mindset you prick.. you need to stop whacking off to your oil'd up wrestlers and lift some weights you prick.. and if you reply.. dont just say somethign moronic like "youve got your head up your ass..." thats just dumb and proves im right because you got no reasons to prove what im saying is wrong... you dumb fucking prick.


                  • #39
                    Ummm... quick question- is this a martial arts forum or a bashing forum? because I think I see more of the second one.


                    • #40
                      Damn SamuraiGuy I wanted to see if he could work out my age all by himself. And nope I wern't born big I was born with nothing i made me, me in that way anyway. Damn you really think your big don't you? I'm not regarded as big in my school and your jelous of ME? Damn you are a pussy,EVERYONE was RiGhT . These forms arnt some gay community you know use them pictures to meet gays some where else we dont want to see them.


                      • #41
                        Hmmm ^ that was your second post and you come onto a martial arts forum and head straight for the physique pic of a man.....i think you're ready to step out of the closet


                        • #42
                          nope been looking on loads of the stuff on this website only became member recently.


                          • #43
                            At least hes not the one posting pictures of men... and good for you not being a pussy like A Gay over here... and besides if its a bashing forum who cares.. maybe my martial art revolves around Bashing... bashing your face in ... bashing this A Gay about his gay pictures while he sits around looking for compliments.. .bashing is a very scientific thing u know... its almost as complex as thrashing... but thats for another post...


                            • #44

                              this is the best thread going on right now.


                              • #45
                                sticks and stones my can say what the **** you like but its obvious to anyone with more brain cells than a turd like you to know people who get into a hissy fit like you're doing is because you're one jeleous bitch.

