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My Physique Picture

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  • #16
    oh...well, I wish I had more free time...Im always doing something. What kind of Martial Arts do you do?


    • #17
      If you want to gain weight do lots of heavy compound movements. Don't know if you already do that or not.


      • #18
        i did do karate, jeet kune i just mess with my own way, probably somehting bruce would approve of


        • #19
          Pics updated, here's some i took a couple of days back.
          The Bruce Lee form is coming along


          • #20
            You sure you're not a gay pornstar?


            • #21
              no, but i could be couldn't I...


              • #22
                Age, if you are 20 you are still growing, you'll start to pack on weight about 23-24, check most bodybuilders, they really don't start getting major until they get in their late 20's when they muscles reach maturity as I heard one at my gym says


                • #23
                  still going on with my training, went to get my body fat percentage taken and its at 2%


                  • #24
                    Lol you look like a fag man (hence the earlier gay porn star comments) you dont look like bruce lee at all... not that yo uwould want to ... anyone see that guy... man his body looks wierd and his face is just fucking ugly.. no other words to describe it... before i saw any of his movies i saw that "dragon: a bruce lee story" movie... and i was like... yeah k thats what bruce lee looks like.. then i saw enter the dragon... man shit bruce is soo fucking ugly.. and hes got a shit body too... jesus... look you need to stop toning your abs and get some arms... **** at the age of 15 I had fourteen inch arms... your tiny... jeez my sister could prolly bench press more then you.. and believe it or not this is ognna turn into constructive criticism in the end.... lift heavy weights... theres no point in having defeined muscles if youve got no muscles... jeez my 5 year old cousin looks more ripped then you... thats cause hes small... and his muscles are stretched out... lift some heavy weights and get some muscles.. also dont eat that protein shit.. protein just says "im too bitch to get big myself... and too scared to try steroids" personally i go all natural.. cause i dont want a tiny dick like your gay pornstar friends... but man honestly... get some muscles then get ripped.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by SamuraiGuy
                      Lol you look like a fag man (hence the earlier gay porn star comments) you dont look like bruce lee at all... not that yo uwould want to ... anyone see that guy... man his body looks wierd and his face is just fucking ugly.. no other words to describe it... before i saw any of his movies i saw that "dragon: a bruce lee story" movie... and i was like... yeah k thats what bruce lee looks like.. then i saw enter the dragon... man shit bruce is soo fucking ugly.. and hes got a shit body too... jesus... look you need to stop toning your abs and get some arms... **** at the age of 15 I had fourteen inch arms... your tiny... jeez my sister could prolly bench press more then you.. and believe it or not this is ognna turn into constructive criticism in the end.... lift heavy weights... theres no point in having defeined muscles if youve got no muscles... jeez my 5 year old cousin looks more ripped then you... thats cause hes small... and his muscles are stretched out... lift some heavy weights and get some muscles.. also dont eat that protein shit.. protein just says "im too bitch to get big myself... and too scared to try steroids" personally i go all natural.. cause i dont want a tiny dick like your gay pornstar friends... but man honestly... get some muscles then get ripped.


                      Sometimes ya gotta be cruel to be kind.


                      • #26
                        dear oh dear, someones letting their insucurities flow tonight.
                        Post a few pics of yourself and see what cticism you get.

                        And im not going for muscle mass, if you were a martial artist you'd know that excessive muscle slows you down.
                        But then you wouldn't know anything about muscle would you? seein as your on top of the list for the Simpsons live movie role as homer.


                        • #27
                          Man, this is a martial arts forum. What would it be if everyone here posts their pic??? Are you sure you practice MA? Or you just want to hang out on a beach to show off? And you can't look like Bruce Lee, no one can. And if you aim to look and be like him, well that' s a big mistake from the Bruce Lee point of view. B. Lee wanted to be himself and "honestly express himself", he never wanted to look like someone else or to do like others did. So be yourself man, quit trying to look like someone else.


                          • #28
                            Bodyfat percentage at 2%!?! That's dangerously low dude, it is not healthy (but I doubt it that it's that low)

                            And I agree with some of the other guys, you need to build some mass first and then you can start Dieting and do cardiowork to get ripped! Or do you wanna look like Iggy Pop?



                            • #29
                              looking like a 'fag' is compliment, since most homosexuals take much better care on their appearance than hetrosexuals, so thanks.

                              This is the fitness forum last time i checked, im trying to get in shape not end up looking like arnold shwartzenegger, muslce mass slows down your reactions and speed hence i don't want to look like door-man.
                              I bet all the fitness most of you do (who slagged me off) is going through a bucket of KFC whillst watching Drunken Master.


                              • #30
                                Muscle mass slows you down!? Take a look at the 100 meters sprint athletes who took part in the olympics, some off them are really buffed! And I can't say all that muscle mass is slowing 'em down.

                                Mike Tyson is a muscular guy and at the peak of his carreer he was pretty fast!


                                PS. I don't agree with all the name calling though, instead of calling someone a fag, try to say something constructive!
                                And I don't like KFC..........McD's is better!

