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My stretching routine....GOOD?

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  • My stretching routine....GOOD?

    Here is my stretching routine....tell me if u think this is too many stretches...i dont think it is cause there are like 1-3 stretches for every muscle

    1. Legs
    Feet together, touch ground
    Right leg over left, touch ground
    Left leg over right, touch ground
    Legs spread, reach right
    Legs spread, reach left
    Legs spread, reach middle
    Knee rolls
    Seven-star calf stretch
    Dragon stance
    Butterflies then bendovers
    Triple stretch: ankle, one-leg reach, pulls
    Quad pulls

    2. Neck, Back, Waist
    Neck rolls
    Sit on both knees, bend back
    Waist rolls
    Back twists
    Push through, bend
    Lady sits

    3. Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, Abs
    Roller Coaster Wrist
    Wrist Twist
    Arm swings
    Doorway chest stretch
    One arm chest stretch
    One arm bicep stretch
    Triceps stretch
    Shoulder shrugs
    Shoulder stretch- hands interlocked above head, stretch up and back
    Arm across body
    Softball rotations
    Arm and opposite leg on ground ab stretch

  • #2
    Need a little more info then i can help you.

    Are these just for warming up or for gettin more flexible in general? what MA (if any) do you do? Do you want to kick higher or/and grapple better?

    Lemme know and ill try and get back to you.



    • #3
      Well it does'nt looks like shit so I think its quite good and quite alot and Phorce I want to kick higher what should i do specifically?


      • #4
        Originally posted by terr0x
        Well it does'nt looks like shit so I think its quite good and quite alot and Phorce I want to kick higher what should i do specifically?
        Well.....i read a gymnastics book on stretching and it said to specify in ballistic stretches. This was supporting a little of your weight on something you face (i.e. a horse, i do it on my kitchen side) and swing one leg to the outside mimicing the roundhouse POSITION..not the movement as such..just swing the leg. Make sure youve warmed up beforehand, but eventually youll be able to go straight into this type of training and swing high. Start low and get higher and higher...youll get better in time.

        A lot of people say that you can really injure yourself from this method...ive not suffered many injuries, but the ones i have MAY have been through this method from just goin in too high to begin.

        Hope this helps, let me know if it does.



        • #5
          I think people mainly injure themselves in ballistic streching by doing them first thing in the morning, or before they've streched out at all while they're very tight.

          Be careful of sitting on your knees and leaning your back flat against the floor. It's very stressful on your knees and can possibly tear your back.

          Try sitting up with your legs together flat on the floor and instead of just reaching your arms out to your toes, grab your feet with your hands and pull. If you can touch the ground while standing up and bending down without feeling too much burn, then you need to go past your feet.

