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I need Help with my biceps

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  • I need Help with my biceps

    Hi Bruce Lee had lean small biceps and this is hard to say but my left arm has a bicep but it is fast and easy to move but when i was doing sit ups i think i pulled it or something and now my right arm bicep is bigger and harder to move easily and every time i practice i feel it keeps tearing and getting bigger. Iwould like to ask if there is any way to make it smaller with not adding any muscle mass my last resort is to stop training until it goes away and then start over trying to avoid this problem.

  • #2
    you want it to be lean i presume - which would mean using LIGHT wights with high reps i presume


    • #3
      Why dont you go workout allot with your'e other bicep as well i cant imagine that someone wants to have small biceps.


      • #4
        Strained bicep

        If that's the case, you're right arm isn't getting bigger and slower because you're suddenly just putting on a lot muscle mass in one arm, it's because you injured it, therefore its slower and tight (which is why it seems bigger to you, it's tight which looks like it's constantly flexed). Flex your left arm and see how much it grows, then flex your right arm and see how little it grows. If that's the case (it doesn't have to be a dramatic difference either, just a small one) then there's your problem - you're right arm is simply tight. just rest it, massage it, put some icy hot on it and don't work your biceps for a while until it's better.

        BTW - if you want to be a good athlete, don't simply work out your biceps or arms. Work your whole body. Also, only working yuor biceps without working your forearms will really damage your forearms down the road (nerve problems). Only working your arms without working shoulders will lead to even more severe back and neck problems down the road. Only working upper body and not lower body will cause you to look like an idiot at the beach.


        • #5
          yeah dont waste ur time if ur oly gonna work on bicep only. u gotta work out ur whole body. theres people ive seen in the gym who only do benchpress or only do biceps everytime, and it looks wierd. they may have some muscle on there chest or in there bicep, but they have a weak back and skinny leggs and look akward. u want to work out everything and be strong overall. i think the most important partts are back and legs. they have the biggest muscle groups. having a strong back makes ur core strong, and suppports ur sping and neck.


          • #6
            How should I workout my back without weights?

            Pushups? Please give me some details.


            • #7
              pushups dont work ur back. u can do pullups and chinups if have a bar, those work ur back, but using weights for ur back is way better. try to get an unbreakable back.

