I believe that weight training isn't benefitial to me even though i may do it once a week for an hour just as a social thing at school. From doing this i appreicate it does look impressive how much you can lift but from all the bodybuilder/weightlifter types, i can lift quite a considerable amount more than them. This isn't to say that i'm stronger than people, but that the workouts i do is more effective- which is training with my own body weight. Pull ups, Push ups, Sit Ups, Leg Ups- each can be done in a more demanding way. Which ofcourse i'd reccomend to work towards. Since i don't really believe our bodys were designed to be lifting heavy weights strenuously. I've found that these excercise's have been incorporated in much less though of physcially challenging that what they are, such as Yoga and Aerobics. But doing them properly. Such as sit ups, so your feet are on bars and you hang down from them, pulling yourself up slowly while keeping your back straight requires immense strength. Press ups, in a handstand position(most do it with feet against a wall) then pushing up slowly and extending the muscles fully. Pull ups- the same with that, most don't extend their arms fully down so they're straight locked and pulling up. There are plenty of other excercises that incorporate the bodys own weight but i'm not sure of their names. Now if not aware of what own body workouts could involve, which do you think is more effective for fighters or even body builders? Punching/Kicking is ofcourse in every fighters workout, so this isn't part of the question.
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Own Body Weight Workouts