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Grip Training

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  • Grip Training

    Going to share some of my favorites with ya'll and see if I can find any in return

    1)Captains of Crush Hand Grippers, I love them. I'm slowly but surely getting close to closing the #3. For those of you who don't know about them, these aren't your sissy grandma grippers, these are the real deal. The Trainer alone takes 100lbs to close, #1 is 140lbs, #2 is 195lbs, #3 is 280lbs, and #4 is a whopping 365lbs. Only about 14 or so people have ever closed the #4, the average guy can barely close #1.

    2)Get a pair of pliers and a bucket, fill the bucket up with sand or barbells or whatever, and grab the handle with the pliers and hold it close as you lift and walk around with the bucket. Not fun, trust me No cheating and putting it on your hip either.

    3)Get two sledgehammers, put them together so the heads are facing opposite directions, and grab them and hold them closed and do various motions with them (nothing set, just have fun with it).

    4)For pinch gripping, get two plates (I use 35lbs but if you haven't done it before, start more around 10lb plates), put them together so the flat sides are outwards, pinch them together, and hold it up in the air.

    5)Another good test of grip strength are nail bending (which I stink at but can still get once in a while, I don't know the technique too well yet).

    6)Try lifting weights with thicker barbells. You don't have to buy the ones for sale out there, I just took a regular one and covered it with duct tape until it was 3" around and thats what I do most of my lifts with (except for explosives, I go back to regular barbells for those).

    7)Fingertip pushups work out well, as do wrist pushups (do them on the back of your hands) and forearm pushups (start off with your forearms flat on the ground, do a regular pushup, then go back down). Do them all slow though and tensing your muscles, try a count of 10 down and a count of 10 up.
    Anybody have any others?

  • #2
    find the thread called "strengthening fingers". There's some good exercises in that. And by the way, where do you get those Captains of Crush hand grippers, and how much are they?


    • #3
      Originally posted by fanman.
      find the thread called "strengthening fingers". There's some good exercises in that. And by the way, where do you get those Captains of Crush hand grippers, and how much are they?
      Bout $20 a pop. Yeah I read that thread, nothing that could help me out right now. The stuff I'm doing is a lot better, just looking for new fresh ideas.


      • #4
        lots of masturbation will enhance ur grip as well.


        • #5
          Originally posted by EmptyneSs
          lots of masturbation will enhance ur grip as well.
          Is this really true or are people just trying to make a joke? I want to know if it really helps or not.


          • #6
            I just squeeze my own arm, and this helps me strengthen my grip greatly.
            Simple technique, but very effective. Do this for about an hour every day, gripping for periods of 20 seconds, and you'll definitely see results.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ethanael
              I just squeeze my own arm, and this helps me strengthen my grip greatly.
              Simple technique, but very effective. Do this for about an hour every day, gripping for periods of 20 seconds, and you'll definitely see results.
              Isometric tension exercises, which is basically what you're doing, can help you get a little bit stronger but you need some kind of resistance. If you've just done those and can close a #3 CoC with pictures to prove it, I may be convinced, otherwise you have to train with resistance.


              • #8
                Retraction exercise

                Here's one thats pretty different.
                Get 4 large rubber bands (the kind used for postal work), and wrap one end around each finger, and the other end around your thumb. They're easier to keep on your fingers if you twist them (this makes it harder too).

                Open your hand against the resistance of the rubber bands. Hold it for about 30seconds a set. Do about 5 sets on each hand at first. It can get pretty tiring. I dont think there are very many exercises that strengthen the muscles used for opening your hands. How does it go, the harder the retraction, the stonger the contraction....something like that.


                • #9
                  I was looking at getting these Coc
                  These are the only people to ever close #4

                  Joe Kinney

                  Nathan Holle
                  David Morton

                  Tommy Heslep
                  Magnus Samuelsson

                  I think I'll start at a lighter level
                  starting at level1, hopefully they'll be challenging.

