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Question on training for rucking

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  • Question on training for rucking

    Hey I was reading recently in some article for would-be military folks that when you go on ruck marches, usually your ass will be super sore by the time you finish the march, and you will be very worn out, it can give you a leg up if you start training for this before you go into the military.

    I was just wondering, are there any particular exercises that can simulate "rucking" without actually doing it?? I ask because I read you can just go buy the thing for your back (ruck or whatever it is called) and fill it with 60 pounds or more of rocks or whatever, and do it yourself, but I don't have anywhere to go for such a thing. I suppose I could do it on a treadmill that inclines, but the only treadmills I have access to are the public ones and it attracts a lot of attention if you are doing something like walking or jogging on a treadmill with weight on your back, and I HATE being stared at.

  • #2
    Originally posted by Broadsword2004
    I was just wondering, are there any particular exercises that can simulate "rucking" without actually doing it??
    The best thing to do would be regular rucking, but if you don't like getting stared at, a weight vest couldn't hurt for your runs or walking. Rucking's actually pretty easy to condition for, just throw 20 pounds in a pack and walk three miles. Next day, walk the same distance but throw in a pound to make 21. Keep it up until you're humping with a good bit of weight, and you'll be ready for anything they'll throw at you.


    • #3
      If you're good at running you shouldnt have as many problems. A lot of people that I know started jogging every morning before going. The weight isn't whats going kill you, as much as running everywhere.

      But dont worry, I'm sure that if you're not in shape when you get there, they will be very happy to help you out


      • #4
        Thanks for the advice; I forget if it was written on this forum awhile ago or not, but there was some Marine I think in bootcamp who got so scared of the water training, he tried to hide a big float thing under his shirt; so of course he gets caught and ends up having to do a whole lot of pushups.


        • #5
          By the way, good luck with your entry to the military!

          The ROTC guys run about 3-5 miles a day, usually in the mornings. If you can keep up with them, you'll be fine


          • #6
            I saw ruck and I was like "rugby!"

            but it's not...


            • #7
              If you have all your gear properly waterproofed, your ruck will float. You'll learn that if you ever go for Combat Water Survival Qualified level.

