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Weight versus definition

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  • Weight versus definition

    I started running everyday or at least every other day six months ago as I wanted to improve my cardio activity. The fact is that I lost 12-14 pounds and I start to look too thin for my tastes. I eat well: white fish and white meat, beef two times a week, veggies, fruits and rice and pasta two days a week, eggs two times a week. I drink milk and tea everyday and keep starches and sugars away five days a week. I do body weight exercises mostly, they cover the whole body and are good for joints. I do little weight exercises.
    I read previous posts on gaining weight, I follow the advice of drinking milk and eating bread between big meals and rest more time. I am well defined and cut and I want to remain that way. What I'd like to know: if I run one or two days a week and eat between big meals I will gain weight for sure, but will I still be defined? Cutting down cardio activity is not good for me, but if I want to gain weight I have to do that. Any clues on this? Thanks all!

  • #2
    i recommend lifting more weights. if u are a slender person to begin with, lifting weights will just fill u out a bit more and add a bit of xtra mass and since ur body is low in fat, u will get even more definition since all the muscle u gain will be very noticable due to the low body fat percentage. trust me, there is no way u are going to gain so much weight that u will not have anymore definition, unless u are consuming tons of fat. and yeah u will definetly have to cut down on the cardio to gain weight. doing cardio 2 or 3 times a week for 30 min is enough.


    • #3
      Just an idea. You could also change the type of cardio that you are doing. Jogging usually lasts so long that it drains your body and actually makes you slimmer. But you could do sprints or other high-intensity plyometric type training. This way your muscles will still be worked greatly but will instead add mass. Look at olympic sprinters, These guys are very well built.


      • #4
        Thanks for the useful infos, I think doing more weights is good as they burn fats/calories as well. I used to sprint two or three times when I jogged but I will follow the advice and just do sprints, that's completely different from jogging for a long time.


        • #5
          I don't think you have to cut down cardio to get big, look at professional sprinters (not long-distance runners, I mean sprinters) and football players. They are very well muscled (football players being huge) and they run and lift a lot.

          Look at military folk like Rangers and such too, they are very cut and big as well.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Broadsword2004
            I don't think you have to cut down cardio to get big, look at professional sprinters (not long-distance runners, I mean sprinters) and football players. They are very well muscled (football players being huge) and they run and lift a lot.

            Look at military folk like Rangers and such too, they are very cut and big as well.
            that depends on ur body type. if u are naturally slender and have a hard time gaining weight, then u do need to cut down on cardio.


            • #7
              Originally posted by EmptyneSs
              that depends on ur body type. if u are naturally slender and have a hard time gaining weight, then u do need to cut down on cardio.
              Yes that's me, and I really eat a lot but never put some weight on so I guess that's because of all the cardio I do.


              • #8
                It is me too, I am stronger than I look, but I am one of those guys where if I joined a wrestling team or something, I'd probably be nicknamed like "The Steel Stringbean" or something like that. I gain in strength, but I can't gain mass worth a darn.

                I am one of those folk where I can eat Krispy Kreme donuts everyday and my abs will still show.

