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Isolation and Power lifting

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  • #16
    I train in Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.I used to be a personal Trainer and I can say From both common Sports knowledge to personal training to personal experience; that power exercises like the Big 3 (Squat,Dead Lift,Bench press) and Olympic Lifts (Snatches,clean&Jerk) will biuld much more power in your movements then any isolation exercise.Isolation is only good for one thing,looking good.The only time you should do them is to finish off a body part that still has something left,but chances are if a body part after an exercise(s) is still ready to go you simply didn't push hard enough with the compound movesments.I personal weight train 4 days aweek and I train BJJ 3 days a week and Muat Thai 2 days aweek.I do plenty of cardio and Body weight exercises in both classes.For weight training this is my Schedule=:

    (Close stance)Full Squats- 4sets 6-8Reps @ 80% of 1 Rep Max
    Stiff Leg Dead Lifts- 3sets 8-10Reps 75%
    Standing Calf Raises- 4sets 10-12Reps 70% Max
    Jack Knives- 5sets 10-15Reps

    (Wide Stance)Full Squats- 4sets 2-3Reps @90% Max
    Cleans- 3sets 6-8Reps 80% Max
    Single Leg Calf Raises- 4sets 12-15Reps 65% Max
    Leg Raises- 5sets 20-25reps

    Shoulder Presses- 4sets 6-8Reps @ 80% Max
    Incline Bench Press- 4sets 6-8Reps 80% Max
    Bench Presses- 4sets 6-8Reps 80% Max
    Weighted Side Bends- 5Sets 6-8Reps 80% Max

    Bent Over Barbell Rows- 4sets 6-8Reps @80% Max
    Weighted Pull Ups- 4sets 6-8Reps 80% Max
    Dumbbell Rows- 4sets 6-8Reps 80% Max
    Weighted Sit Ups- 5Sets 6-8 Reps (incline) @80 Max

    The Reason why there isn't alot of Ab work in my Weight training is because of all the Ab training I do in my BJJ and Muay Thai Classes.


    • #17
      Hey Maxout,

      Those are good choices, but imo with all the volume you are doing with the BJJ and Muat Thai why not lower your reps to 3-5 on those major lifts? You will get stronger that way.


      • #18
        Current Routine:
        Full Back Squat 5x5
        Deadlift 5x5
        Flatbench 5x5
        Push Press 5x5
        2 min rest between sets
        Neck Harness 5x5
        Clean 5x5
        Snatch 5x5
        Decline Crunch 2x25x25lbs
        2 min rest between sets
        5 min light jog warm-up
        5x400 meter wind sprints 60 second light jog between wind sprints.
        5 min light jog cool down.
        I will add some shadowboxing on cardio days after wind sprints. I would rather lift 3 days a week not 4 days a week.
        Last edited by deathstrike; 05-24-2006, 10:46 PM. Reason: Delete


        • #19
          Thor's Hammer 3x10
          Grip Crush
          Full Back Squat 5x5
          BB Row or Deadlift 5x5
          Flat Bench 5x5
          Push Press 5x5
          Neck Harness 5x5x40 lbs/18 kg
          Decline Crunch 2x25x25 lbs/11.5 kg

          5 min warm-up light jog
          5x400 meter wind sprints
          5 min cool down light jog


          • #20
            I understand your points of view on the "high Volume" but its not all that high really,I only do one exercise per major movement.Also I do change my routine for lower reps but this is my usual schedule.I love the usual powerlifting routine and the last week of every month I do the usual 3-5 rep range and singles but When I'm in BJJ I've notice that pure strength doesn't always help that much when your winded from the intense grappling and can't think of the next technique your going to react with.Since i've done this Routine I feel less winded.I understand the need to be explosive and powerful but I feel that need more so in M.T. then in B.J.J. On some months I go to M.T. 3 times a week and B.J.J. twice instead and thats when I've used more of a 3-5 rep range and more Olympic Lifts.But when I'm Focusing on grappling I train for just a little bit more endurance.How ever I still do my lifts in powerlifting form with a pause and explosive finish except I do them all Full range of Motion.Like my Squats and Shoulder Presses are Full range of motion.Ppl have told me for heavy lifting thats not good but that because most ppl don't realize you can do all lifts full range of motion its just that for Full range of motion your gonna lift a little bit less.Example:If you did Bench presses half way down you could lift more weight right . . and if you lifted that heavier weight for the full range of motion you'd hurt your self possibly right,well same for shoulder presses,Instead of me lifting 185 for the usual range of motion (your arms are lowered just below 90 Degrees and back up) I do 155 for the full range of motion(Same goes for Squats).I can still produce explosive Shoulder movements just for the full range of motion.Which is more realistic because sometimes you end up in a possition where you are in a full stretch and need to generate power in that position.What ppl also don't realize is that I can still easily lift the 185 for the usual motion but when I have ask lifters that press the same 185 to do less weight for full range they only lift about 135 till 2 weeks goes by and then they can do the same 155.But when they go back to the 185 they say its so much easier and that they would rather keep doing full range of Motion from then on out.Sorry about all the extra stuff I just wanted to point this out to ppl that are so nervous about doing Full range of motion exercise(s).Just remember you have to do less weight but don't let that stop you,this is all about being a better fighter not a Powerlifter or Bodybuilder.Cause a STRONG Fighter can beat a STRONG powerlifter.


            • #21
              New Routine

              Wide Grip Pull-ups
              OL Full Back Squat 3x8
              RDL 3X8
              Flat Bench or Military Press 3x8
              Heavy Bag
              Heavy Bag

