Is it good for you?
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Age is important, gatorade can kill smaller children and teens in conditions of high heat and dehydration. It thows off the electrolites in the system and can cause people to go into coma's and die.
It was created by the Florida Gators for their football team. It is absorbed faster than water so for normal adults it can be a quick way to replenish lost fluids and provide some glucose after a work out.
It has quite a bit of sugar so if you are trying to watch your diet it may not fit well.
It does help relieve cramps from training.
u gotta keep in mind, that one of those regular size bottles of gatorade is like 4 servings. 1 serving of gatorade is 1/4 of that bottle. and it contains like 15 grams sugar. so i guess downing a whole bottle at once isnt great.
id think a gatorade here n there wouldnt hurt, u need to replace electrolites. have some after u have done a lot of sweating.