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  • Soreness

    You know that soreness that you get after a good workout? like say weight lifting....would any of you guys know how to prevent this?

  • #2
    Originally posted by The Defiant One
    You know that soreness that you get after a good workout? like say weight lifting....would any of you guys know how to prevent this?
    dude the soreness is a good thin gthat how u know ur building muscle, i get dissappointed sumtimes after muay thai training if im not sore


    • #3
      Originally posted by VietMTwarrior
      dude the soreness is a good thin gthat how u know ur building muscle, i get dissappointed sumtimes after muay thai training if im not sore
      Lol not when Im at school its not....~_~ friggin booksacks weigh a tone these days.


      • #4
        Soreness goes away eventually , Ive been lifting weights pretty seriously for about two years... if I go heavy, if I go lightweight high reps... I dont get sore anymore... maybe the odd day, but nothing really, and I've had imporvements so its not like im just doing some **** workout or something like that.

        Eventually you will be soreness free...


        • #5
          start drinking more water to flush out the lactic acids. You should be drinking between 1.5 - 2 gallons of water per day if you're working out all the time, especially in the summer.


          • #6
            Try whey protein shakes once or twice a day as well. Or just make sure you're getting enough protein and taking your vitamins. As mentioned, drink plenty of water.


            • #7
              anyone know some more or less everyday places to pick up whey shakes, as in...not the x-treme shop of muscle building but..a normal place?


              • #8
                GNC if you have them around you. $20, $25 for a big canister. 20g protein per scoop. It's lasted me quite awhile.


                • #9
                  you can get 5lb tubs pretty cheap on Ebay.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The Defiant One
                    Lol not when Im at school its not....~_~ friggin booksacks weigh a tone these days.

                    Toughen up, pussy.


                    • #11

                      I found the Sam's Club or BJ's Wholesale has EAS Whey Protien 6 lb bucket for a fraction of the price of GNC's. 22g per scoop and tastes better too


                      • #12
                        yeah, you dont want to buy it from GNC, they charge too much. But what you have to remember is that its the quality of the protein that you want, not just cheaper prices. You want Whey protein Isolate. If you can afford; Hydrolyzed whey protein is even better as it is metabolized almost instantly.

                        Here's an article my buddy wrote up on Protein that I keep around.

                        When it comes to Whey Protein, you have three choices:

                        Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) = is a high-quality why protein that is filtered to remove a good portion of the carbs and fat. Most products on the shelves today are about 70-80% protein.

                        Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) = is a purer form of why protein than concentrate, because it’s processed even further by way of ion-exchange chromatography. This process allows for a powder that is greater than 90% protein. Additionally, it’s a good choice to use when you are dieting because it has a lower carbohydrate and fat content than whey concentrate.

                        Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH) = is produced when WPC or WPI is taken through a final step know as hydrolysis. Hydrolysis breaks the bonds between amino acids, a job normally reserved for your digestive system. Without the extra workload, your system absorbs this type of protein even faster than WPI and WPC. This makes WPH a great choice for a post-workout shake.

                        *So WPH is one step better than WPI as it’s less taxing to your system to break it down.*

                        Casein Proteins

                        Casein protein makes up about 80% of the protein found in milk. Due to the clotting nature of casein (it forms a gel in your stomach), its digestion is slow and steady. In fact, consuming certain casein proteins can steadily deliver amino acids to muscles over a seven-hour time period. Having such a steady supply of amino acids has been show in scientific studies to prevent muscle protein breakdown, which some scientists suggests is just as important for muscle growth as enhancing muscle protein synthesis.

                        Whole Milk Proteins

                        To form whole-milk protein products, milk is taken through a gentle filtration process to remove the lactose and fat. This leaves both the casein and whey proteins intact, as well as the many other beneficial fractions. Because of this process, whole-milk proteins provide both the benefits of whey protein and casein. Most of the emphasis is on the casein benefits, as 80% of this protein is casein. This is a good protein, especially before bedtime, to deliver steady supply of amino acids to your muscles. However this type of protein isn’t optimal before or after workouts due to it’s slow digestion.


                        • #13

                          ^^^^ good post, thanks for the info ^^^^

                          Looks like the EAS Whey I am using is WPC & WPI.


                          • #14
                            yeah protein does help alot in reducing pain after working out, but another helpful thing to consume is potassium(in bananas and other fruits and vegetables), it helps get rid of the microtears and bleeding in your muscles, which is the cause of the muscle soreness. Also some other useful things are having hot/cold showers or hot baths/tubs.


                            • #15
                              Two things.
                              1.- Massage
                              2. Arnica Montana

                              Need I say more,
                              Check it out.

