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6 pack

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  • 6 pack

    i dont have one, i want one. sod all fat on me, i can see where it will be, im hoping for ideas aside from sit ups. nothign involving weights cos i have none... but i have a chinning bar (its 5 foot 10 up, im 6 foot 2 so knees bent)

    something that takes little time ideally cos i have far to little time on my hands

  • #2
    lay down on your back legs straight, raise your legs up keeping them straight. If you have something to hold with your hands it helps but you should feel your stomach tensing when pulling your legs up and down, there are many different ways of doing this exercise, explore and expermient and see what works best.


    • #3
      damn... i should have seen that one coming. thanks southpaw, my only objection to that one is just how much it hurts after a few mins.... still, ive got a reason to get the muscle back so i think im gonna try that.

      anyone know if you can work out your abs daily of if that goes wrong the same way weightlifting does? i dont mind every day or every other day, id just like some idea of which works better.

      no pain no gain i guess


      • #4
        Some people think the abs can be worked out every day.. others feel its not neccessary.. personally for you I would go every other day...

        Also, eventually you will want to add weights to your situp routine, just like every other muscle, they wont get bigger (stick out more) if you dont go heavier after awhile, weights work especially well on decline crunches/situps.

        For other ab workouts try lying on a bench, feet on the floor, and just bringing your knees uip to your chest, do this slowly on the way up and down.
        Theres bringing your knees up to your chest then pushing your legs out, and in and out and in etc....

        But heres the kicker...

        no amount of ab work will give you a six pack...

        Wanna know more?

        Than buy my video 101 ways to... lol just joking...

        If you want a six pack, all you have to do is lose weight... there is no such thing as spot reduction.. so your gonna have to lower your bodyfat ... this means your gonna have to do diet/cardio... try to burn more calories than you take in a day, I think on average... any male... if they have around 10% bodyfat, will have visible abs.. without even doing situps...

        obviously crunches/cardio is the best route.. .but dont neglect the cardio or youll be like me... you have abs.. just cant see em under the fat.... but hell I dont even neglect cardio... dont care though... ill stop rambling now.


        • #5
          i dont think my bodyfat % is very high somehow. im 6 foot 2 and 65 Kg. i can see definition, just not much of it. weights could be a good idea... i think im gonna wake up 2mo with my abs burning.... and i train 2mo lol

          something which seems to be missing from this is conditioning the abs.... i know taking punches to the stomach helps. thats what really made the difference for me to start with... having said that im gonna go get my kid brother to tire himself out hitting me in the stomach. again. dont mock if you havent tried it.... nothing gets you used to being hit better than being hit....

          i think im gonna try southpaws suggestion with weights.. see how that goes. i wonder if my kid brother can wind me...

          edit: i think he might be able to wind me, just about.... but he didnt manage it that time. still, my stomach and ribs are red now... i think next time ill tell him ill give him a fiver if he can wind me. if he fails, ill take the gloves off him for next time and hope he doesnt hurt his wrists...


          • #6
            if your 6'2 and 143 pounds.. you should be seeing your abs already.. just do some ab work and they should come out more... hmm thats strange...

            oh well the body fat thing is pretty accurate.... and your body fat is mainly the determining factor... well according to professional bodybuilders anyway... and although they may not be the most functional of athletes... they do know how to get 6, or 8 packs...

            good luck.


            • #7
              I think its body abs are quite honestly a little large, ALMOST makes me look fat, but no one would ever know because theres that present thin layer of fat over them.

              Of course I want to get rid of it but I'm not currently motivated enough...too much other stuff going on.

              Main problem here is that I eat a little bit of stuff with sugar...not large amounts...but enough to keep the fat from staying shod off.

              That being said I get plenty of cardio otherwise.


              • #8
                Try the two opposites for few weeks.
                Do high carbs and low protein and do high protein low carbs. I find that one of those two works for most people. Everyone's body is different, it would help to find, if your body burns carbs better, or if it does protein.


                • #9
                  Do your chinups, do weighted squats... or frog jumps or lunges, anything for your legs. Eat less than you need, 40% protein, 40% carbs, 20% fat.

                  Do the above for as long as it takes.


                  • #10
                    it turns out that a six pack is far simpler to achieve than i realised. i did about 100 sit ups every couple of nights (doing them right, it hurt towards the end) and the definition turned up very quickly. cool

                    that said, i just ended 3 weeks of eating crap and drinking too much while oversleeping and missing college... somewhere along the line i missed training of any sort as well. so now the definition is gone again... serve me right

                    thanks for all your advice though people

