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Sleeping Probs

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  • Sleeping Probs

    I work part time loading trucks for a living, and when I come home I work out, my girlfriend shows up, we have dinner usually watch a little tv and go to bed. Most nights she falls asleep and I stay up all night and work without sleeping. When I can't sleep I drink 16 oz of straight up hot milk and chew up a couple tylenol and sometimes I go to sleep.

    Anybody got any chinese woo shoo secrets for passing out and going to sleep beside a 6 pack of brewski's, a bunch of hot milk, or chewing up painkillers? I'm dyin here, help me out.

  • #2
    Try out melatonin. Start out using a small dose (1mg, but do not exceed 3mg) about an hour before you want to go to sleep. Give it up to a week to see affects. It is also helpful if you use it at the same time every night. This was very effective for me when I changed careers from being a paramedic. I had to use 3mg nightly, for about a week to feel the difference. After that I didn't need it anymore. Was able to fall asleep at a regular time every night.

    A Doctor also recommended to avoid any strenous exercise and refrain from eating a heavy meal at night. This was very hard to do with my internal clock being so out-of-wack, but I switched to morning workouts, eating light at night, and the melatonin. I believe a combination of the three worked wonders. My girlfriend noticed the difference and enjoyed being around me again.

    You can pick up the melatonin at any Vitamin world store ( When I lived in Normal, Illinois there was a store there I would get it from. Hope this helps you out. Unfortunately I don't know any chinese woo shoo secrets.


    • #3
      I wouldn't use melatonin because of this:

      There are a lot of herbal meds you can take. California poppy is good (unless you have to take drug tests for your job), as well as verbena or passionflower tinctures. Or hops.

      You may want to take L-Tryptophan (500-2000 mg), which is a precursor of serotonin which induces sleep. Also make sure you are getting plenty of vitamin C, calcium, potassium and magnesium.


      • #4
        Thanks for the advice. I'll go to vitamin world in the mall and see what I can find. I take daily multi-vitamins, so I'm good to go during the day. Isn't Tryptophan whats in turkey? Because if it is, I've tryed that. Didn't do much. Maybe that AND the milk and tylenol will work.


        • #5
          You probably won't find verbena or passionflower at Vitamin World. You may want to try to herb store or health food store or find a local herbalist. Verbena is aka vervain. Yes, tryptophan is in turkey. You need to take it for a while, you probably won't see effects right away. Though I did feel it right away when I ate those tryptophan cookies, but that's a whole 'nother story. I wouldn't take tylenol habitually, btw.


          • #6
            i smoke alot of cannabis, when i go of the stuff, i cant sleep at all, so the reason i go back on it is to get to sleep! ive been of it two days now, bout to go back on it simply because i know i wont be able to sleep tonite.


            • #7
              Try California poppy tincture, or hops, instead.

              Originally posted by dimebag_from_
              i smoke alot of cannabis, when i go of the stuff, i cant sleep at all, so the reason i go back on it is to get to sleep! ive been of it two days now, bout to go back on it simply because i know i wont be able to sleep tonite.


              • #8
                poppy tincture, is that not basically opium?


                • #9
                  It's a sub-opiate, much weaker than opium, non-addictive, child-safe and functional, not fun. Definitely not as distilled, obviously. Though it can be used to wean onself off of opium and non-opiate painkillers. Don't take it if you have to get drug tested though, I bet it would still show up. Oh and don't use it if you're already on sedatives. Mmm, I used some last night and fell asleep right away.


                  • #10
                    It might be the lack of sex.


                    • #11
                      been smoking cannabis resin continiously since i was 13, im 18 now, so im pretty sure its the lack of cannabis thats doing this to me


                      • #12
                        u sure this stuff is totally non addictive??? how well does it work?


                        • #13
                          Positive. I tinctured a ton of it (well actually Mexican poppy not CA poppy, same thing though) in the summer and I still have a ton of it, if that's proof enough. I take it occasionally and have never "craved" it--and I am addicted to, like, chocolate. You can read more about it here:

                          I think it works really well, but it is still going to take time for your body to readjust/detox from your copious resin smoking. Talk to me in the spring about liver detox.

                          Originally posted by dimebag_from_
                          u sure this stuff is totally non addictive??? how well does it work?


                          • #14
                            man ill still be smoking resin like, onceit coems ot the weekend, ill be doing it. such a habit, go out with mates get drunk and high and repeat till sunday nite......then try and stay of it during the does a liver detox work as i have take alotof ecstacy and speed in my time and drunk alot of whiskey, buckfast u name it ive done it. only 18 too, thats abuse for you right there. how could i detox my liver quickly


                            • #15
                              You can't detox your liver quickly.

                              If you're serious about detox, get off ALL the drugs completely. And then ask me in the spring. You don't want to detox in the fall or winter.

