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Any tips on loosing a gut?

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  • Any tips on loosing a gut?

    *Points to the above*

  • #2
    if by gut you mean spare tire hanging below the waistline then i could only suggest

    cardio cardio cardio.

    run, swim, bike etc... probably would be best to do long distance running and swimming, although i hear sprints burn more fat. im not sure.

    change eating habits. no food after 7, eat less fat, less sugar.
    fruits + vegtables should be the main components of your daily diet.


    • #3
      main thing as far as diet is concerned is absolutley no sugar. (except for natrual stuff from like fruits I suppose) And apparently sprints for lets say 30 seconds followed by a 1.5 min cooldown jog, multiple times as far as ideal fat burning cardio.


      • #4
        For "loosing" a gut, just take your belt off!


        • #5
          Elevated V-sitts are good

          Ive got to say ive never had a gut, but I can see it happening in a few years, lol. The people I train with are fatty, dsrinkers and they sware by the V-sitt, they aint as fatt as the begining of the year lol.


          • #6

            Look at my post there that has the pic about lovehandles. Remember to use low weights for dumbells, not more than 5 pounds.


            • #7
              Check out a book/CD by a guy called Paul McKenna called "I can make you thin".

              I lost over 30lbs in under three months, and it was easy to do. It's now nearly a year later, and it has stayed off.


              • #8
                um, some underground aderol, or riddlen, or concerta. That'll boost your metabolism no prob and you'll drop some serious weight. Then just keep it off. Just make sure you don't go near any college textbooks while your on them or you'll end up reading the whole thing and knowing everything about acient african art history instead.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by The Defiant One
                  *Points to the above*

                  Eat less, work HARDER!

                  It's not going to happen overnight. Break your (bad) food habits by replacing them with regular (small) portions of good food (nuts and fruit). Drink plenty of water and target your core muscles with regular exercise.

                  Just so you know I'm not a mouth without some real experience I shed more than 25 pounds over the summer season and dropped over 6 inches from my waist, had to buy a new belt and everything...

                  And, I didn't run or use drugs.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    Check out a book/CD by a guy called Paul McKenna called "I can make you thin".

                    I lost over 30lbs in under three months, and it was easy to do. It's now nearly a year later, and it has stayed off.
                    ACK I thought you were a cop dude? they didnt fire you for getting in shape? Or are you still a lard ass?


                    • #11
                      I'm on a special diet of beer and doughnuts but, as yet, I am still on report for being too thin.


                      • #12
                        I can only tell you what worked for me. I used to weigh 285 and in a years time I lost 45 pounds. I did this by Cardio and Aikido. I also cut sugar, white flower, "Bad" carbs and dried fruit out of my diet. The dried fruit because the sugar level is extremely high. I ate alot of salads, fish, chicken and red meat. Even though I lost the weight I still eat that way and it seems to be working out for me.

                        Good Luck


                        • #13
                          Run while wearing a trash bag.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GQchris
                            Run while wearing a trash bag.
                            the running part yes.
                            wearing a trash bag, no. a trash bag will make you sweat a lot and lose water weight, but you will gain all that right back as soon as you hydrate. plus dehydration is bad for you.


                            • #15
                              Stomach Vacuums

