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Staying Flexible

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  • Staying Flexible

    Lately, whenever I'm watching TV or just hanging out I will point out my legs and lean untill I feel a burn and hold it for a minute or two, then I will stretch even farther for 10 more seconds and release, I do this a few times a day. I wonder if it will gradually make me more flexible. Will it?

    Also, I once was albe to hold my toes for a minute or so back when I really stretched, 6 months back, but now I'm right back to where I started, I can only hold it for about 10 or so seconds. Flexibility is annoying like that! Will I have to get a streth routine for every day of my life if I hope to stay flexible?

    Gracias x 10

  • #2
    Ah dont look at it like that. Usually I have a morning (shower breakfast etc) and night schedule (carb shake teeth brush etc) I just add it in there. That way its not like its bothering my work or free time. Wake up 5 minutes earlier or go to bed a little later to stretch or do push ups or whatever you gotta do. It sucks to do it during the day cause then you gotta make time.

    Woke up to Depeche Mode and cold pizza today thou...long long night


    • #3
      Originally posted by danfaggella
      Lately, whenever I'm watching TV or just hanging out I will point out my legs and lean untill I feel a burn and hold it for a minute or two, then I will stretch even farther for 10 more seconds and release, I do this a few times a day. I wonder if it will gradually make me more flexible. Will it?

      Also, I once was albe to hold my toes for a minute or so back when I really stretched, 6 months back, but now I'm right back to where I started, I can only hold it for about 10 or so seconds. Flexibility is annoying like that! Will I have to get a streth routine for every day of my life if I hope to stay flexible?

      Gracias x 10
      i would not expect to get any more flexibile if the last time i stretched was 6 months ago either...

      you will probably need to stretch regularly if you want to be more flexible. how regularly, i dont know, i'd say you get a really good stretch atleast twice a week.

      btw, anyone ever find it harder to stretch when they're fatigued? are sore muscles less flexible?


      • #4
        i always found it easier to strech when i'm fatigued because i can relax more easily.

        and yes, daily streching is the way to gain flexibility and keep it.


        • #5
          I tried stretching in the shower, leaned over to touch my toes and bonked my head on the faucet...

          shower (soap in eyes + stretch) = bump on noggin.


          • #6
            hurray for pain.

            Anywho, I hate to think I'm going to have to do all these lame stretches daily to keep my toe touching ability, but I guess I gotta do what I gotta do, shucks.


            • #7
              I haven't kept up like I should, I lost a lot of flexability when I stopped doing gymnastics.

