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weight training for kickboxing

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  • weight training for kickboxing

    I'm looking to start a serious weight training regimen for kickboxing and I've read I should be doing more olympic-style, esplosive lifts, but I don't really know where to start. This is what my training schedule looks like:

    Sunday- skill training/ strength training/ plyometrics/ core training
    Monday- skill training/ anaerobic conditioning
    Tuesday- skill training/ core training
    Wednesday- skill training/ anaerobic conditioning
    Thursday- skill training/ strength training/ plyometrics/ core training
    Friday- skill training/ anaerobic conditioning
    Saturday- rest

    If anyone could offer up some suggestions or examples of a good routine, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • #2
    Well, when Im not competing or anything. I weight train 5 days a week.
    Sat - Legs and Abs and Cardio
    Sun - Chest
    Mon - Biceps and Shoulders
    Tues - Back and Traps
    Weds - Triceps

    Thursday and Friday I have off. I hit the heavy bag 5 days a week. Tuesday I have MT class for 2 hours and Thursday I have sub fighting for 3 hours.

    A month before competing, I take off from weights and do cardio and body resistant workouts to build up endurance.


    • #3
      i do a full body workout, three times a week. this is my personal workout, may not be as good for everyone else.

      heres what i do each workout, not in any particular order:

      3 sets pullups, as many reps as i can

      3 sets seated row 6-8 reps

      3 sets shoulder press 8-10 reps.

      3-4 sets bench press 6-8 reps

      machine squats 3 reps, 10-12 reps

      3 sets machine curls 6-8 reps

      3 sets calf raises 10-12 reps

      3 sets ab machine

      this is only what i do at the gym, in muay thai i have to do tons of weightless stuff in addition, so when im lifting its more for adding mass and increasing strength. its not for begginers, this workout is meant to workout each bodypart 3 times a week instead of once.


      • #4
        Weight lifting program
        Full body Workout (2)

        20 sit-ups on a incline
        10 leg lifts

        5 sets of 5 Bench press

        5 sets of 5 Squats

        Upper body circuit
        5 sets of 5 Curls
        5 sets of 5 Pull overs or french curls
        2 sets of 10 one arm row (dumbbell pull-up)

        5 sets of 5 butter flies
        2 sets of 10 dumbell twist

        2 sets of 20 wrist curls

        Lower body circuit
        2 sets of 20 calve raises
        5 sets of 5 leg extension
        5 sets of 5 leg curls

        Max out on sit-ups
        Work out on coaches mitts, bag or spar for about 15 minutes or if your real energetic, do 15 minutes on each.

        Note: on the weight lifting workouts on how you go from one routine to the next. You start out with sit-ups, do 20 of those, then got to your leg lifts and do 10 of those. Then you start in on the weight lifting. Do 5 sets of 5 reps on the bench, you get that done , then go to the squats and get 5 sets of 5 reps done on that. Then you go to your upper body circuit , which you’ll do 1 set of 5 on the curls, then go to the French curls and do a set of 5 on that, then go to the one-arm pull-up (dumbbell pull-up) and do a set of 10, then repeat the circuit until you get your 5X5 on the curls, 5X5 on the French curls and 2X10 on the one-arm pull-up. Then you go to the butterflies, get that done, then got to the wrist curls and get 2 sets of 20 done. Then move onto your lower body circuit.

        Note: you could run this workout routine Monday, Wednesday and Friday, then on the off days , like Tuesday and Thursday , use those days as running days, and run 2 to 5 miles.


        Run that Monday , Wednesday and Friday
        the run your endurance training and specialty training on Sunday, Tuesday and thursday


        • #5
          Many thanks for the great advice, guys!

