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need cardio ideas besides running

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  • need cardio ideas besides running

    I am trying to get cardio workout other than running, I have Issues with my ankle so I have to avoid the amount of running it takes for me to get cardio benefit for about 4-6 months, so here is my Ideas so far.

    1 swimming

    2 cycling machine or around the neighborhood

    3 rowing machine

    4 ???

    any ideas or feedback is appreciated

  • #2
    Rowing Machine! Rowing is one of my's just flat out awesome. Cycling can be a great running alternative as well.
    I know a guy who fights muay thai and has a problem with his foot that hinders his running, and so he does cardio almost exclusively on a bike. He's always in great fight shape. (11-1 as an amateur, making his pro debut this weekend!) Another friend who fought into his late 40's also had ankle problems and relied on rowing and rope for the bulk of his cardio. This guy was a bull and always fought from bell to bell and never had wind issues.
    Anyway, just my 2 cents. Your ideas sound great. I'll vote for rowing and cycling.


    • #3

      You can tear through the water with sprints and its a helluva full body resistance workout or you can do long, steady laps to work your cardio and muscular endurance.

      Extremely low impact. Easy on all your joints including your ankle.


      • #4
        Tom Yum good reply, I did that a few times and tore me up. Also, do mountain climbers, jumping jacks, lateral line hops, JUMP ROPE. Uphill sprints really work for me.


        • #5
          My vote goes for jumping rope.


          • #6
            thanks for the input,hopefully the ankle mends fast, one day ill give up these damn skateboards.......

            when im 50!!!!


            • #7
              Hey skateboarding, biking, rollerblading. Whatever. If its a cardio workout and you find it fun do it. The problem most people find with cardio work is its rather long and tends to be kind of boring.


              • #8
                unfortunately for me skateboarding is the reason I have to get cardio sans running! been using my bros rowing machine and some stationary cycling, plus my rehab exercises so ill be tip top in no time!

                thanks again for the replys!!


                • #9
                  Erg Cycle, swimming, eliptical might work,


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sagacious Lu
                    My vote goes for jumping rope.
                    Jumping rope ain't bad, but Gonzo's ankle is injured.


                    • #11
                      probably the best would be to do a swimming circuit for endurance.


                      • #12
                        the best cardio exercises for endurance are the ones that go against gravity. So youre looking at step machine, climbing machine, jumping rope. Swimming is wicked too, its been so long I've forgotton how to ><


                        • #13
                          I have a torn miniskus {cartalidge imbetween the knee}3rd degree tear...and very bad ankles due to ballet to young ...I find that that deep knee bends walking without ever touching floor but just half inch from floor works realy good as you go bend forward from waist then back to center then bend left back to center then bend right then back to center then bend backward then back to center then you squat down all the way with heels touching ground at all times..go down then up whil bringing up your R knee to chest kick a thrusting kick then back to beginging with walki deep knee bends...sound boring but if dine well steady and for and hour ...Trust me your whole body will b stronger and your heart willl be pumping...if you need better explanation on techinque just ask....or not....just remember it is not always the excersize but how it is done...


                          • #14
                            Swimming is the best for total body, and erg/row is pretty good too.

                            If you're a bad swimmer you can also do water runs in chest deep water without worrying about your ankle.


                            • #15
                              im surprised nobody mentioned just hitting the bag. depending on your intensitey and what you do, just standing there doing bagwork can boost your cardio intensly. my instructor told me he hated running, so he just did bagwork to boost his cardio when he needed to beat the time limit for a run he had to do for training to be a fireman. and it worked. doing good bagwork for like 45 min can be a pretty intense cardio workout, because you can push yourself as far as you want to go.

                              you can do drills were you hit the bag with combinations giving it everything you go for 30 seconds, then you rest for 30 seconds, then go start again switching on and off every 30 seconds. do this for a bit, and you will soon be exhausted.

                              u can also add in pushups and situps and other exercises whenever u feel like to increase the intesity of your workout with the bag.

