Hey just the other day I increased my PR of military press to 1 rep with 100 lbs. Im feeling pretty good about my shoulder strength, its increased alot in the past few monthes despite occasional rotator cuff pain. I was just wondering what are the upper limits of ability in lifts that arent done in conventional powerlifting competitions. I personally like to look up records of lifts(bench press, squat etc) so I can sort of benchmark my progress in the bigger picture. Like I weigh 145 lbs and Ive read that the records for Benching at my weight are somewhere between 300-400 lbs, so it helps me put in perspective how my strength(about 150 lb bench) matches up to the strongest in the world. The thing is, I havent been able to find any records for other lifts like the military press and the bentover row. I was thinking that maybe you guys could help out by telling me maybe what are the highest weights youve heard of being used in these lifts. Anything is useful, maybe the most youve personally lifted or what youve heard people you know say they can lift. Personally my PRs in these lifts are :
military press 100 lbs x 1 rep
bentover rows 120 lbs x 5 reps
So if youve got something to contribute please speak up as Im kind of in the dark about what kind of numbers the strongest in the world could lift in these exercises. Thanks
military press 100 lbs x 1 rep
bentover rows 120 lbs x 5 reps
So if youve got something to contribute please speak up as Im kind of in the dark about what kind of numbers the strongest in the world could lift in these exercises. Thanks