I'm 16 and 5'10" and i've been putting on quite abit of flab on my belly because i haven't been doing much, I partake in Karate but only train twice a week, i've just got a punch bag and when the weather here starts to get abit better im sticking it up, would a bag help me loose some of the fat i've been gaining from not doing anything, and other recommendations by anyone else to help me lose some of the fat, i've tried running but its so dull, sprinting is ok because only over a short distance and i have quite large,strong, long legs, i also know i eat loads of crap which i'm trying to stop but for some reason i always find myself eating it again, anyone got any advice and motivational tips.
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Loosing flab
Running is dull, but it works. Swimming and cycling are also dull, but they work. You need solid excersize 30-40 minutes/day in order to get on top of it. Not six minutes a day, or one hour twice /week. You need five-six days/week, 30-40 minutes/day.
Start with a slow jog/walk or cycle or whatever and slowly build it up. The first week is just getting your body used to the action, the second week it starts to get easier, after that you should try to improve every week.
Also, if you start demanding work form your body, you're appetite will likely start to steer you toward healthier food.
It's all just my opinion, but it's based on experience.
With the heavey bag, you could set up a routine something along the line of:
2 minutes on the jump rope
25 jumping jacks
30 pushups
75 sit-ups
20 kickouts
10 figure eights
10 circles
bag workout
20 jab, cross, jab
20 jab, cross, hook (to the body)
20 jab, cross, hook (to the body), reverse hook (to the body)