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  • CrossFit

    CrossFit offers a results-based, community-driven approach that helps you build fitness and improve your health—over your lifetime.

    What do you think about it?(There are videos in the website)

  • #2
    These small minded people think that real fitness is about the body. It is not. It is about the mind and the inner sanctum of the navel loins.

    No need to jump about like a fool. Meditation, and correct (note - NOT incorrect!) practice of form will ensure body in shape to fight anyone (not anyone of superior mastery of navel passage, other anyones from ignorance of truth).

    Outwardly people have unkindly commented that I am rotund, even porky. They know not of my navel passage.


    • #3
      I've heard excellent things about Crossfit from friends who use it although I haven't tried it out myself. But the principles are pretty close to what I stick to anyway...nutrition first, followed by eating habits to get your metabolic system going, etc, etc. I think it's very modern and well thought out.

      I can't tell if Phil is joking or not.


      • #4
        looks like a pretty good program.
        For my fighters, I try and teach, not just the fighting skills, but to also be professional athletes. It wasn't to big of a deal when I was just dealing with point tournament style of fighting. But, when i'm teaching full contact boxing and kickboxing, I don't take chances on not having a well rounded fighter. The all have to meet a certain tone and strength for there weight class.
        My best advise to ya, if you have the extra money, would be to get into a "fitness and nutrition" class and get a certificat. You would learn basically the same thing. Maybe take a online course. That's what i'm doing and it's been a good addition to what I allready know. But, a good magazine that I get, that came with the course is "Experience life". Has alot of good info on new training ideas as well as different ideas of what to eat.


        • #5
          I've been following CrossFit for three years, and I can't say enough good things about it. Those guys are top notch. A lot of professional MMA guys are catching on, and start using it - BJ Penn, Paul Buentello, Chuck Liddell, etc. They have some workouts designed specifically for fighters (check out Fight Gone Bad). You dont' have to follow it exactly but can create your own workouts once you understand the principles. Read the message board - lots of knowledgeble people there. I am thinking about giving competition in Muay Thai a try. This will be my main preparation as far as strength and conditioning goes.



          • #6
            Originally posted by bigred389
            I've heard excellent things about Crossfit from friends who use it although I haven't tried it out myself. But the principles are pretty close to what I stick to anyway...nutrition first, followed by eating habits to get your metabolic system going, etc, etc. I think it's very modern and well thought out.

            I can't tell if Phil is joking or not.
            Look at his other posts. I don't even bother reading them they are all the same.

            Originally posted by Scott Boilinger
            looks like a pretty good program.
            For my fighters, I try and teach, not just the fighting skills, but to also be professional athletes. It wasn't to big of a deal when I was just dealing with point tournament style of fighting. But, when i'm teaching full contact boxing and kickboxing, I don't take chances on not having a well rounded fighter. The all have to meet a certain tone and strength for there weight class.
            My best advise to ya, if you have the extra money, would be to get into a "fitness and nutrition" class and get a certificat. You would learn basically the same thing. Maybe take a online course. That's what i'm doing and it's been a good addition to what I allready know. But, a good magazine that I get, that came with the course is "Experience life". Has alot of good info on new training ideas as well as different ideas of what to eat.
            Thanks for the reply, I am actually thinking about getting certified as a fitness and nutrtion consultant. I am thinking about studying something to do with physical education but I'm not fully sure.


            • #7
              Crossfit is okay. Honestly, if you want mass, stick to freeweights. Its all about what you want and what you find fun.


              • #8
                a terrible thing to waste...

                Originally posted by Phil Elnore
                These small minded people think that real fitness is about the body. It is not. It is about the mind .

                Then I'd have to say you are way out of shape!


                • #9
                  What shape do you think people should be? I have inner strength, supplemented by the mass in my important little places. Even Bruce Lee himself was naturally this shape, only changing to enable Western shallow philosophies to accept his outward appearance.


                  • #10
                    chichai chinko

                    Originally posted by Phil Elnore
                    I have inner strength, supplemented by the mass in my important little places.

                    I have no doubt that your 'important places' are very little indeed!


                    • #11
                      Wow Phil...Sorry that most people like to be healthy...

                      Weight training/cardio is good for your health! Its also important for sports training. Most people who make fun of weightlifters usually are overweight people too lazy to workout and think they can lose weight by eating chocolate cake with less sugar and drinking diet cokes.

                      Heavy lifting is some of the hardest work ever, how can you say that doesent take internal strength?

                      You stick to your happiness through your ways, and we can stick to our happiness our ways. Strong muscles when trained right are more powerful then an untrained muscles. And dont bring up crap about functional strength of Bruce Lee and that bodybuilders cant fight. BODYBUILDERS DONT TRAIN TO FIGHT. Bruce Lee was good cause he practiced and trained insanely. Most people cant train like that so give up on getting a Bruce Lee body.

                      Most MMA stars have a lot of muscle, and can use it very well. So Phil, stop complaining and disrespecting hardwork and go to a yoga forum.

                      Sorry, ranted a bit.


                      • #12
                        well, it just everyone has there own program to run. In my training program, I do incorperate a weight lifting program as well as a medicine ball workout. When I was doing compitition, I lifted 3 days a week and sparred 5 and 6 days a week, went to tournaments and kicked alot of butts. So, I teach what works. But, you just need to be stretching regularly to keep the flexability.


                        • #13
                          Panting about and flexing biceps isn't healthy, you oaf. Internal meditation without the outside nonsense strength is the only way to go!!!!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Phil Elnore
                            flexing biceps isn't healthy!!!!!!

                            If that were true, you'd be very healthy I'm sure!


                            • #15
                              You follow me round the forum being openly abusive. I challenge you to any test of physical capabilities. Your rules, your terms. Anything. Inner strength or outside strength. No cheating.

