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I have a question

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  • I have a question

    I have been trying to gain weigth forever now and nothing is working I take in all the callories, carbs, and protien I can, but still i don't gain weight. my metabolism is way to fast. So I've decided to to work on getting toned and defined, or I mean getting lean. I was wandering is there any good protien mixes or supplements that would help. thanks

  • #2
    Not sure why you need protein supplements to get lean, but any solid name whey protien is good, isopure, scipro, etc.


    • #3
      I just used this Recommended Daily Calorie Intake Calculator. it said for me to gain weight I should get 4000 calories, 560gm carbs, 160gm protien, and 130 gm fat. Does that sound right for me? I'm age: 18, 5ft 10in, 145lbs.


      • #4
        I'm no expert, but that sounds really high to me.

        What kind of weightlifting and other excercise are you doing?


        • #5
          i'd just go to the GNC talk to the retaler about what you want to do. They'll probably suggest something high in whey protein like Xience. You could allways add a banana, a raw egg and some honey to add a little extra


          • #6
            Dude, try this. EAT. I mean really eat. Eat 6-7 times a day and eat "dirty". Dirty bulk is for ectomorphs. You gotta do that. Eat mcdonalds, eat oatmeal, eat anything. By the way, getting toned has to do with burning calories and low body fat percentage (proper diet and cardio), doesent mean youre strong. Id say checkout Start a good weightlifting routine and yeah.


            • #7
              I disagree about eating 'dirty'. I thought that for awhile and I went from 135lbs to 152 lbs in one summer eating everything: fatty foods, mcdonalds, I ate past I was full and basically did what I wanted nutrionally. I was pretty impressed, 17lbs in a summer! wow! But come fall, in a Sports class we have at our school, we started our own fitness program. We weighed in, and checked our bodies and it turned out I was now nearly 15% body fat. I know that might not sound like much, but my whole life I had been a small, skinny guy with no fat whatsoever on my body. So for the semester(6 monthes) I kept up my lifting, cut out eating fatty foods excessively and tried to not eat past full. At the end of the semester I was 143 lbs, 9 lbs lighter than after my big bingefest, but it turned out I was 9% body fat, so my muscle mass actually increased by 5.5 lbs, and this was with reduced eating. So needless to say, I dont believe in eating excessively in order to gain muscle anymore. Id recommend making sure you get enough protein, and make sure to eat something 15 minutes after you work out, eat a sandwich, drink some milk or maybe take in some protein. Well thats pretty much my advice, also be sure you dont train too much, overtraining simply impedes your progress.


              • #8
                130 is ecto/meso Id say. When I say ecto I mean real ecto, like 110 or so.


                • #9
                  Well I suppose if you are really skinny and feel its the only way youll get any mass, you could eat 'dirty', but I still wouldnt recommend pigging out on bacon or burgers. In order to gain weight you must eat more calories than your body is used to, but I would recommened you eat more 'cleaner' foods in order to up your calories. You could eat 'dirty', but you will almost definitely gain some fat along with any muscle you gain. If you are fine with that and are willing to burn it off later down the road then thats fine, its your decision I suppose.


                  • #10
                    Well Im just throwing it out there because he said "nothing is working" so yeah. I do agree with more calories but I cant stand when people say theyve tried everything and really havent


                    • #11
                      You wanna get "big?" Start eating MREs. Even better if you can find cold weather rations. Those things are calorie PACKED.


                      • #12
                        Join the military. I went in at 131 and 5 weeks later was 150. I needed the weight too, I was a skinny mofo.


                        • #13
                          you could eat 2 times a day in macdonalds ......


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by DeSousa
                            you could eat 2 times a day in macdonalds ......
                            That wont work, you will just crap your insides out.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by corygoose
                              I just used this Recommended Daily Calorie Intake Calculator. it said for me to gain weight I should get 4000 calories, 560gm carbs, 160gm protien, and 130 gm fat. Does that sound right for me? I'm age: 18, 5ft 10in, 145lbs.
                              add a modest glass of milk and a banana to all your regular meals, and keep lifting and you will gain weight.

                              if u have like 3-4 good meals a day thats putting 3-4 cups of milk and 3-4 bannanas extra to your dietdaily. it should make a difference. thats what i did, and i lifted hard and i used to be 5'10 and 140 lbs. im 160 now. i gained 20 lbs of muscle in about a year.

                              also, when you lift, focus on the exercises that work out the most muscles at once and do really good sets. exercises like seated rows, bench press, leg press, shoulder presss.

                              notice those 4 exercises i just mentioned cover pretty much your whole body^

