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Muscle Mass

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  • Muscle Mass

    I started working out last year for a good 9 months and I noticed a change in strength and my weight. I started at a very skinny 120 to a not as skinny 135lbs. I still consider myself skinny and Im looking to bulk up. I recently had to stop going to the gym bc of a surgery so Ive been off my feet for about 2 months. Instead of gaining more weight I ended up losing weight down to 130lbs. Now, Im out of shape and too skinny at the same time. What do you suggest to gain good weight and fill out a little. Thanks

  • #2
    eat more!
    seriously, if you want to grow, you need to eat more. dont know what your daily intake is right now, but obviously since you're still losing weight, i'd guess its not enough.
    and when you lift, lift low reps, high weight. you'll bulk up in no time.


    • #3
      Originally posted by darkrelevance
      eat more!
      seriously, if you want to grow, you need to eat more. dont know what your daily intake is right now, but obviously since you're still losing weight, i'd guess its not enough.
      and when you lift, lift low reps, high weight. you'll bulk up in no time.
      I find that when I eat so much I feel so lazy all day. Its like im constantly eating. Should it be breakfast lunch pre meal workout, post meal workout, dinner, and meal before sleep?


      • #4
        the ideal is to eat like 6 meals a day, smaller portions though. so you eat more often, but less at each sitting. so you dont need to stuff yourself.


        • #5
          OMG stop being lazy. Use the search button. Head to and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just use the search button kid.


          • #6
            Sorry for the laziness. I was just wondering if fighters have a different routine to gain muscle mass compared to a bodybuilding site.


            • #7
              try weight gainer, you can buy it from gnc stores our other stores like it.


              • #8
                Good old protein powder along with 5-6 meals a day. When you start working out again, weightlift to gain the most possible muscle mass, then after a month or so go back to your regular (for muscle mass, go for something like 1x4, 1x3, 2x2 or anything similar to that).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DaramoeX
                  Good old protein powder along with 5-6 meals a day. When you start working out again, weightlift to gain the most possible muscle mass, then after a month or so go back to your regular (for muscle mass, go for something like 1x4, 1x3, 2x2 or anything similar to that).
                  i dont think that will build mass, it will build more strength than bulk.

                  i think its been shown that 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps is best pure muscle mass.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by EmptyneSs
                    i dont think that will build mass, it will build more strength than bulk.

                    i think its been shown that 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps is best pure muscle mass.
                    Naaa man. Less the reps and sets the better. Take powerlifters(the ultimate mass guys) for whole workouts sometimes they'll go for one rep max's multiple times.

                    10-16 is generally considered toning up type workout. Anything past 16 is more endurance... unless you're taking steriods, or are heavily into lifting and take many supplements, allowing your body to lift harder and for longer, therefore increasing the amount of reps you can lift and still maintaining the "toning" range.

                    A good weight gaining routine is to work the 4 core pillars of strength and size: lats- pulling power, chest- pushing power, shoulders- connector piece, and legs(mostly quads, secondary hams) for obvious reasons. I'm not saying to only work these muscle groups, but they should be your main focus for strength and size training.

                    1 warmup set of 10, followed by a set of 7-8, then a set of 5-6, then a set of 3-4 is pretty good. Then a good neg rep or 2 is pretty good for right afterwards.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by J-Luck
                      Naaa man. Less the reps and sets the better. Take powerlifters(the ultimate mass guys) for whole workouts sometimes they'll go for one rep max's multiple times.

                      10-16 is generally considered toning up type workout. Anything past 16 is more endurance... unless you're taking steriods, or are heavily into lifting and take many supplements, allowing your body to lift harder and for longer, therefore increasing the amount of reps you can lift and still maintaining the "toning" range.

                      A good weight gaining routine is to work the 4 core pillars of strength and size: lats- pulling power, chest- pushing power, shoulders- connector piece, and legs(mostly quads, secondary hams) for obvious reasons. I'm not saying to only work these muscle groups, but they should be your main focus for strength and size training.

                      1 warmup set of 10, followed by a set of 7-8, then a set of 5-6, then a set of 3-4 is pretty good. Then a good neg rep or 2 is pretty good for right afterwards.

                      That is pretty much exactly what I heard, but not all of that stuff is 100% proven, so no one really knows. It will be different for every person. The strongest kid in the Senior Class does weightlifting 5 times a week, every day doing the same groups. He gets huge, and I just don't understand it. He isn't on 'roids or anything illegal, but WTF?!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by J-Luck
                        Naaa man. Less the reps and sets the better. Take powerlifters(the ultimate mass guys) for whole workouts sometimes they'll go for one rep max's multiple times.
                        powerlifters dont lift to achieve muscle mass, they lift to make strength gains. therefore what they do, lifting really low reps of high weight is not the same as bodybuilding were they only concentrate on building mass were 8-10 reps at 3-4 sets are used to fully tear up and tire your muscle fibers.

                        and i know this from personal experience. i gained 20 lbs of muslce in under a year from doing 8-10 reps at 3-4 sets.

                        when i was doing workouts that were higher weights at much lower reps it did nothing for my muscle mass or definition, all it did was boost my strength.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DaramoeX
                          That is pretty much exactly what I heard, but not all of that stuff is 100% proven, so no one really knows. It will be different for every person. The strongest kid in the Senior Class does weightlifting 5 times a week, every day doing the same groups. He gets huge, and I just don't understand it. He isn't on 'roids or anything illegal, but WTF?!
                          you know what, this is true because i know a kid who is 17 and he went from 150 lbs to 190 in 2 years by lifting every single day. this guy lives in the ghetto, he didnt have access to gym or training advice. he just lifted weights every single day in his backyard and he gained over 40 lbs of muscle!!! he didnt lift "properly" on some kind of well organized and forumulated routine and diet, he just straight lifted every single day lol.

                          its also possible to workout the same muscle groups everyday. each time you get sore from working out, its going to make it harder for you to get sore next time. thats why sometimes you will workout superhard and not even be sore the next day if you are an intermediate lifter. it feels like a disapointment, but you can still get big without being sore so its not too bad. but yeah its possible to keep working the same muscle groups again and again. it will make them bigger indeed.

                          professional bodybuilders workout 5-6 days a week, twice a day for 2 hours. once in the morning and once at night, though they are on roids wich for sure helps them maintain such an intense routine.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by muaythaiguy15
                            OMG stop being lazy. Use the search button. Head to and learn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and just use the search button kid.
                            Got to go with muaythaiguy on this one. They'er better sites than any forum to ask this question.

                            One you might want to check out is...

                            I like the "Exercises You've Never Tried" articles. Do a search when you get there.


                            • #15
                              I am suprised no one posted this routine. I went from 150 lbs to 175 lbs in 6 months.
                              Powerlifters on other forums have recommended this next routine although I have never tried it.

