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Help with my split

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  • Help with my split

    Im doing weight training right now, on top of martial arts training. My training split is as follows
    Sunday: Chest/Bis
    Two questions, where can should i train abs and forearms(i know both are important for my lifts), and can i get a couple of leg programs? Mine are very inconsistent, and i need a good HVT leg program, somewhere in the 10-12 rep range is what im aiming for on my sets, i just need exercises.

  • #2
    Do this instead:

    Sunday: Chest/Bicepss
    Monday: Off
    Tuesday: Back
    Wednesday: Shoulders/Triceps
    Thursday: Legs/Forearms

    You can do your abs every day, you shouldn't do abs once or twice a week, it would be much better if you did it daily or at least every 2 days.
    As for your legs, you can start off with your calves then go to squats then leg pushes. That would is enough pretty much, you need some rest between chest/bis and your back day because you also use your biceps when doing some back excersizes, so take a rest day between. And do your triceps with your shoulders so they can be fully recovered, because you also use your triceps when you do chest excersizes.


    • #3
      thanks, also can i get some specifics on what to do for legs and abs, preferably hvt stuff, cuz it fits with the rest of my lifting


      • #4
        I assume you mean Heavyweight by HVT. If so, here is an ok program that will wear you out

        Seated Calf Raises 4 sets
        Squats(Preferrably on smith machine because you're probably putting lots of weight for safety) 4 sets
        Leg Press 4 sets
        And if you want you can add 3-4 sets of leg curls.

        As for abs, here are some excersizes and you do whatever you want..


        • #5
          Actually, i was talking about High volume training(anywhere in between the 9-15 rep range), as opposed to HIT or high intesity training. I want to train high volume to avoid wearing down my knees(a chronic problem in my family). So if i could a leg workout for that, if it would be at all different i would appreciate it.

