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Kettlebells v. Dumbbells

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  • Kettlebells v. Dumbbells

    I keep hearing about the benefits of kettlebells and was wondering what people here thought of them. What can you do with kettlebells that you can't do with dumbbells? Will they help all-around athletic performance? Are they good for someone trying to lose weight? Finally, is it worth buying one or two when I have access to a complete set of dumbbells for free. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

  • #2
    They are different to dumbells because they are harder to control. The handles are on the "top", rather than going through the middle. And the handles are thicker too. All in all they work the stabilising muscles much more

    Many dumbell exercises are based on the slow reps of body builders. But, with KB's, the exercise involves people swinging them around much more.

    They work the cardio when doing this, as well as much of the musculature.


    • #3
      There is a really interesting article about kettlebells vs. dumbbells, etc. in this month's issue of the Performance Menu, and you can download a sample issue for free:


      • #4
        Thanks for the info.


        • #5
          Use both Kettlebells and Dumbells would be best option, I use both and they hit the muscles differently. Kettlebells will really strengthen you and improve tendon ligament strength with regular use. Only problem with Keetlebells they are very expensive for good ones and non adjustable so you really need ones at different weights as the same weight won't be good for you to use in all exercises. Have seen adjustable kettlebell handles but I would avoid them purely for safety reasons , swinging them around when they are screwed in always danger plates could come off hit or break an object or person, or yourself. Very few gyms seem to have Kettlebells and gym owners I have met few have even heard of them or used them. If you look at there is a book on Kettlebells women sitting on guys shoulder on cover that isn't that expensive.


          • #6
            dude all i can say is that kbells kick ass . u want a pretty good workout get your self a pair. they do feel different than dbells i think they are harder to control however, the exrecises u can do with them are pretty cool, some that u cant do with dbells. u will get overall awesome functional strength. dude my back is huge because of those things. we have them at my gym now by popular demand. trust me u wont regret it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by DragonsWay View Post
              Use both Kettlebells and Dumbells would be best option, I use both and they hit the muscles differently. Kettlebells will really strengthen you and improve tendon ligament strength with regular use. Only problem with Keetlebells they are very expensive for good ones and non adjustable so you really need ones at different weights as the same weight won't be good for you to use in all exercises. Have seen adjustable kettlebell handles but I would avoid them purely for safety reasons , swinging them around when they are screwed in always danger plates could come off hit or break an object or person, or yourself. Very few gyms seem to have Kettlebells and gym owners I have met few have even heard of them or used them. If you look at there is a book on Kettlebells women sitting on guys shoulder on cover that isn't that expensive.
              I've purchased those adjustable KBs and they are safe. Maybe if you don't read the directions and don't put it together right you can have a problem, but as long as you're not being stupid you should be safe.

              I agree that you should train in other weight training methods as well. I like Ross Enamait way of training of mixing weight and body weight exercises together. I say this because I think it's important that you know that there's not one way better than the other. It's how you utilize what you have effectively and make sure it takes you to the types of goals you have set for yourself.

              Just my opinion

