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Ok I need help

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  • Ok I need help

    Ok guys I posted a thread a while ago about my problem. I am out of shape and I sixteen years old. I try to run but I can only do one lap and a few other things , I always stuff my face with junk food and then healthy on and off. I want to be in shape for the Navy Seals or the Marines , please give me any suggestions and healthy tips on eating thanks . I usually have 2 cheese pizza's and a cookie and juice for lunch everyday about $5.00. I have other choice but its tasty.

    PushUps : 25

    PullUps ; 1 1/2

    jumpung jacks : 120

    I have no weights, what can I use?? the gym is only for p.e kids. I am in J.R.O.T.C. I have bricks at home they are like 8-10 pounds each should I practice with those.

    Running : about 1/4 mile thats it usually 4mins then I am out

    What do you guys do ? And I have some chicken fat under my arm its annoying (really flabby). Thanks guys

  • #2
    u shud just try to build more muscle at first. like continue with the push ups and stuff. Do more running if u want better stamina. but if u build more musle can continue exercising, u will eventually get into better shape. there is something about muscles having more mitochondria which will use more energy, leaving less to become fat or something. then u will start losing fat and evenutaully be in better shape. well its something like tat. but just continue exercising and u get in better shape


    • #3
      Gaining muscle burns fat. Your muscle is always burning fat no matter if you're running or sitting on your ass! lol. Eat healthy. If you want to get into better shape then you can't sit and say you eat like crap and aren't getting into better shape. Diet is so very important. Use what you have around the house. Do push ups, pull ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, sprints, running/walking, use what you have for curls and do some overhead presses for shoulders. Keep exercising, eat healthy and you will get there.



      • #4
        baby steps man

        sam my man u need 2 clean ur diet big time. good diet=good performance. ur young, it would be wise 2 practice this good habit now. i think ur lack of perforamnce is largely due 2 what ur putting in ur body. bad fuel!! want 2 be a navy seal then immulate how they eat and train. start running 1 mile or less if u have 2. dont set a time limit just build up ur vo2. remeber baby steps dude. pushups, situps, pullups, anything u can do with ur own body weight will be conditioning. take uf time with it, its not a race. challenge urself here and there, but be reasonable. in due time it will all come 2gether. have fun at buds.


        • #5
          start eating more salad and fruit.

          on exercising, if you can't run a mile, then walk it. You burn pretty close to the same amount of caleries. What i'd do is walk 1 mile every day, within 2 or 3 weeks, you should be up to 2 miles. Build the muscle tone first , then start in a mile jog and set up a weight lifting routine 3 days a week. The main thing i'd try and do is just start focusing on eating right and toning. But also with your running, do a light stretch, pushups and sit-ups or crunches


          • #6
            Originally posted by SAM_theman View Post
            I usually have 2 cheese pizza's and a cookie and juice for lunch everyday about $5.00. I have other choice but its tasty.
            nothing tastes better than true health


            • #7
              Originally posted by fanman. View Post
              nothing tastes better than true health
              ....I think you must be pretty sheltered.
              I've willingly eaten things I KNOW for certain have taken years off my life.
              Furthermore...they were well worth it.

