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Getting ready for a tournament, big game, etc....?

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  • Getting ready for a tournament, big game, etc....?

    I was wondering, what is the best way to prepare for a big day. You know, say you have a tornament, or it is game day if you are into sports. I always wonder what I should do so I am feeling good, have energy, etc.....

    Well one thing is, I don't know when and what to eat that day, or how long before the event starts. Then I always thing about leading up to it, should I be lifting, doing my cardio, as usual.

    Well anythoughts would be great.


  • #2
    If you have worked your ass off preparing, then you should (must) feel confident about what's coming. In the last days leading up to your...whatever...get plenty of sleep, see yourself winning, and keep up a steady training schedule (obviously easing up a little just before the event if you have that luxury) and you'll do as well as you can.


    • #3
      Originally posted by jubaji View Post
      If you have worked your ass off preparing, then you should (must) feel confident about what's coming. In the last days leading up to your...whatever...get plenty of sleep, see yourself winning, and keep up a steady training schedule (obviously easing up a little just before the event if you have that luxury) and you'll do as well as you can.
      +1....Wake up that morning. Have a good breakfast (that is very important).


      • #4
        breakfast of champions

        ah yes, the big day, what to eat, what to do, workout or no workout. it can really be a little draining to worry about. which is why the best thing to do is to keep it simple. have a healthy breakfast, moderate protien, moderate carbs, little fat. my favorite for competion day is egg whites, oatmeal, and avacodos. water intake is a good amount but very steady (depends if iam trying to cut or make weight) as far as training goes. dont. just do walk through warmups elveating ur heart rate. not to much though. break a light sweat. psych factor is important to. do whatever it is u do to be in a good state of comp. music, watch tv, talk 2 friends. just dont do anyhting that going to break ur concentration. cowboy up man! its time 2 kick ass and chew bubble gum.


        • #5
          the week of the fight, I usually cut out weight lifting
          the day before the fight, usually take that day off
          the day of the fight, try and eat things that are easily digestable with descant carbs and juice.
          something like pancakes with jelly, couple eggs and some juice
          for lunch, probably salad with a little meet.


          • #6



            • #7
              What you never heard of meet before? It's government issued synthetic meat. Primarily given to U.S. troops and government ran welfare food programs. I'm surprised you didn't know that.

