Some martial artists claim that strength and physical endurance is not a big part of becoming proficient at self-defense. But all the Special Forces around the world like the American Navy Seals, the Russian Spetsnaz, and the Green Beret have higher physical demands on their recruits then other military units. And the Athletes that compete in sports like boxing, wrestling and NHB (No holds barred) is in super prime shape. So if someone is selling you the idea that they have a secret system where no or little strength is needed, then you know that they want to scam you.
How should you then train to maximise your survival abilities! The different training forms are as many as there are individuals and almost all training are good training. The most crucial factor in fighting is contrary to many peoples believes conditioning. That is why boxers run at the morning, why soldiers are out at endless marches and wrestlers are running intervals in the hills. The second most important factor is physical endurance and explosiveness. The least wanted quality is maximum strength and big muscles. But nonetheless most martial artists train for this least attractive quality on the gym.
Your physical training should be designed to primarily strengthen your mental ability. Your never give up attitude must always be tested in different ways. The strength training exercises below is an excellent way to start.
400 body squats (full range)
100 push-ups
50 finger push-ups
4 min plank
20 pull-ups (with your palms away from you)
400 m under 60 s (running)
Few people manage this routine. If you are one of them I sincerely congratulate you.
If you have access to a gym it is recommended that your strength training targets as many muscle groups as possible. Exercises like clean and press, bench press and barbell squat is favoured before isolation exercises common among body builders. Add some of the above body weight exercises and you get the best from two different worlds.
How should you then train to maximise your survival abilities! The different training forms are as many as there are individuals and almost all training are good training. The most crucial factor in fighting is contrary to many peoples believes conditioning. That is why boxers run at the morning, why soldiers are out at endless marches and wrestlers are running intervals in the hills. The second most important factor is physical endurance and explosiveness. The least wanted quality is maximum strength and big muscles. But nonetheless most martial artists train for this least attractive quality on the gym.
Your physical training should be designed to primarily strengthen your mental ability. Your never give up attitude must always be tested in different ways. The strength training exercises below is an excellent way to start.
400 body squats (full range)
100 push-ups
50 finger push-ups
4 min plank
20 pull-ups (with your palms away from you)
400 m under 60 s (running)
Few people manage this routine. If you are one of them I sincerely congratulate you.
If you have access to a gym it is recommended that your strength training targets as many muscle groups as possible. Exercises like clean and press, bench press and barbell squat is favoured before isolation exercises common among body builders. Add some of the above body weight exercises and you get the best from two different worlds.