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6 Pack abs

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  • 6 Pack abs

    Hi everyone,
    This is my first post on this forum.

    Ok, so Im 13 years old, and I love muay thai, but I want to have a 6 pack before Im 16. Im quite fat, so please could you give me some tips?

  • #2
    Join a muaythai gym?


    • #3
      Originally posted by kix-muaythaikid View Post
      Hi everyone,
      This is my first post on this forum.

      Ok, so Im 13 years old, and I love muay thai, but I want to have a 6 pack before Im 16. Im quite fat, so please could you give me some tips?
      What are you doing right now? What does your training, diet, etc look like?


      • #4
        My diet is ok, im cutting down on the fat and im pretty much healthy. I play sports at school and with my friends most of the time. Its just that i can't get rid of my fat, and build my muscle. I know crunches work your abs, but they dont have an effect on me.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kix-muaythaikid View Post
          My diet is ok, im cutting down on the fat and im pretty much healthy. I play sports at school and with my friends most of the time. Its just that i can't get rid of my fat, and build my muscle. I know crunches work your abs, but they dont have an effect on me.
          How much sugar and simple carbs are you eating? Some would argue that sugar is worse than fat. I think people tend to overcomplicate diet but I'd suggest eat as close to nature as possible and reduce junk food and processed food as much as possible. Learn to listen to your body and it will give you clues as to what it needs. Another point is only eating until you're almost full. It takes about 20 minutes for your body to fully register the amount of food in your stomach. This is described as the 20-minute satiety rule.

          Sounds like you're getting exercise. Are you currently doing anything to build muscle? Resistance training will help with that, if you don't have access to equipment there are still a lot of great body weight exercises that will build muscle and burn fat. There's a lot of information on the internet if you do some research.

          Even though crunches will work your abs it's really about losing fat if you want a six pack. Spot reducing doesn't work and you actually have to be pretty lean to have a good six pack.

          Are you currently training in muay thai? That is a great way to lose weight. Any martial art, if trained vigorously, will help with that.


          • #6
            Body Fat

            This is what a trainer told me once. If you want to show your abs, your bodyfat has to be 15% or lower.

            Keep up on the diet. Make sure to avoid sugar and refined flour. Read the ingredients. Take you lunch to be able to control the amount and what is in it.


            • #7
              You may find it hard to develop muscle in general as Testoserone plays a part in the development of themand at 13 years of ageyour levels might not be that "high" yet

              All i would suggest is to continue to eat healthy and continue with your diet and perhaps try to get some teaching in a Martial Art like Muai thai, Kickboxing etc to help you get in shape
              Last edited by suhieb; 06-02-2007, 05:51 PM. Reason: Spelling Mistake


              • #8
                Thanks for your help everyone, I can't join a muay thai gym yet, not because i can't find one. But its because i need to be 16 to join one, and im trying to get in shape before going so that its will be easier to biuld more muscle.


                • #9
                  Here's how to get a six pack:

                  Actually, all this guy's material is pretty good. It's worth checking out.


                  • #10
                    join boxing gym, youll burn fat very fast, alot of runing etc. you will get abs and good strong hands, after that just join muay thai gym


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dogzilla View Post
                      join boxing gym, youll burn fat very fast, alot of runing etc. you will get abs and good strong hands, after that just join muay thai gym
                      I'd have to aggree there. You'll get some gool training in boxing, and learn some descant upper body workouts. And for competition , boxing starts at age 8. Speciallizing in developing your hand techniques, then when your 16, jumping into Muay Thai, you should be above the rest.

                      But in training, you would want to have your running and sprint or stair days. Because of your age, i'd suggest 1 mile a day bo no more than 2 miles. When your 16 you should be doing 3 miles on regular run days. Regular run days, i'd set up those on Mon, Wed and Fri and then with spring and stairs go on Tues, Thur, and Saturdays. You could do something like 30 minutes on stairs or 10 sets of 100 yard sprints. Might want to do a little warm up , then stretch so you don't pull anything.

                      Then afterwords do your ab workout. Something along the line of

                      50 pushups
                      20 sit-ups
                      20 sit-ups left knee
                      20 sti-ups right knee
                      20 kickouts
                      10 figure eights
                      10 circles
                      10 side leg lifts

                      if you can't do that much runing, then walk it till you build up the muscle tone. If you can't do the push ups and ab work, thats allright too. The main thing is you start off with a little bit at a time and build the endurance and muscle tone. But what I have above should be goals to achieve.


                      • #12
                        Eat protein and veggies with every meal, skip on non-fruit and veggie carb sources unless it is in the post-exercise period, drink lots and lots of water, get plenty of sleep and exercise smart (interval training, some work with free weights, etc.)

