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Fiber supplements?

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  • Fiber supplements?

    Hi. I'm new to supplements and I started a high fiber diet a week ago. I just tried Fiber-Sure from t.v. and that stuff sucks. It doesn't even mix in my drink, it just shrinks up to a solid goo. So what's out there that's better then this?

    For food I eat:

    Thomas light english muffins - Each muffin has 8g of fiber so I eat two and that makes for half of my days fiber just in the morning.

    Fiber one cereal - 1 cup has 14g of fiber. I mix that with my light and fit 60 calorie yogart. It tastes alright but not the best.


  • #2
    ask this guy


    • #3
      Just wondering why the high fiber diet? Most people get enough just by eating whole, unprocessed foods.

      Originally posted by scors77 View Post
      Hi. I'm new to supplements and I started a high fiber diet a week ago. I just tried Fiber-Sure from t.v. and that stuff sucks. It doesn't even mix in my drink, it just shrinks up to a solid goo. So what's out there that's better then this?

      For food I eat:

      Thomas light english muffins - Each muffin has 8g of fiber so I eat two and that makes for half of my days fiber just in the morning.

      Fiber one cereal - 1 cup has 14g of fiber. I mix that with my light and fit 60 calorie yogart. It tastes alright but not the best.



      • #4
        All my other diets have failed. low fat diet etc. (don't know the other names). And this one seems a lot safer than the low carb diet.

        warrior- you want me to pm mr Brewer on this one?


        • #5
          HI guys

          I have joined the fitness program yesterday. I got REALLY TIRED. but LOVED it .feel like whole new body. I am implying myself to take some supplements.
          So is there any begineer supplements in town that could work for me..
          Thanks for your time



          • #6
            For some of us that have no taste for fruits and vegetables, fiber supplements are a god send. As for me, I prefer psyllium products that contain the husk and grain. I do also eat whole grain breads and pasta.

            As for beginner supplements, the best thing I can recommend is a multi-vitamin, if you diet is insufficient (or maybe not). There is evidence that the mass grown vegetables have been losing nutritional density over the past 50 years.

            If you don't eat fish, a fish oil supplement might not be a bad idea.

            I have always found a 40,30,30 ratio(by calories, not grams) of carbs, protein, and fats works well for maintenance.


            • #7
              Someone already mentioned fiber 1 cereal. Great Stuff. Here are a couple of extra ones by Kashi:

              Go Lean Crunch
              Go lean
              Heart to Heart

              All high fiber cereals.

              And be sure to try the high fiber Honey Flakes by fiber one.

