I'm currently trying to build up my flexibility, so any tips that anybody could give me would be appreciated.
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How can I increase my flexibiity?
Hi James, as someone who has difficulty stretching I think the best advise I can give is to keep at it but don't over do it and injure your self. Check out this link for some useful info http://fightingarts.com/learning/int...ing_home.shtml
Good luck
Nick B
Stretching is like anything. You can do too much. If you do it too hard and too often you can actually weaken your joints, so beware.
Those Tom Kurtz articles posted by Ishinguy should help keep your training effective and safe.
I remember about 20 years ago when people were trying to do the splits it wasn't uncommon for a martial arts instructor to kick their legs further apart etc. What tossers.
streching is a thing that will take time. just as loosing fat.
get a good rutine and stick to it. you will have to strech at least 20 min a day. max 30. but don't overdo it, if you feel pain ( other than burning) stop. reduce the tension.
it is advisable to :
when you strech try to force your legs to the floor by the muscles you have in your legs. do this for one minut, and then relax the muscles for one minut, and so on. keep going untill you feel like stopping. no one knows better then your self when to stop.
The resistance felt by stretching is caused by:
Skin 12%
Muscle 42%
Tendon 11%
Joint capsule 35%
There has been a new development in mobility training its called Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). This means stretching a muscle during a relaxed state directly after it has been tensed. To make use of this concept, you must strongly contract those mucsles that resist the range of movement in that joint. When the muscles relax afterwoods they relax more readily.
Try with a partner.
Some sites that talk about PNF stretching (including instructions on how to do them with a partner):
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you have to stretch before you train beacause if you dont your muscles will cramp up and you will be out for a few weeks...having a pulled muscle will realy effect your training.
for strectching all i do is stand and touch my feet(hold it there for a few seconds)...then i stretch the arms...i then sit down and try to touch my toes while putting my head on my knees(freakin worst pain ever)...then i do butterflies to stretch the groin(important for kicking)