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Heavy Bag help......

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  • Heavy Bag help......

    I've been thinking about getting a heavy bag and I need everyone's help. What's the deal with the water filled bags? And the water/foam ones? I'm REALLY an amateur when it comes to this stuff, and could use some advice on what kind I should get. I would be getting this for stress relief and general techniques, not for heavy training or anything, so I probably don't need anything as serious as you guys would need. But, I didn't want to get anything crappy, you know? Thanks to all for your assistance!

  • #2
    Water-filled bags are supposedly to give a more realistic reaction to punching a person. I've never used one myself. Your best bet may be to just go to a sporting goods store and hammer away at the bags they have hanging on display and find one that you like.


    • #3
      I've used the water filled bags at my school. I personally don't like it. I don't know how long the school had it, but it leaks(though not majorly). I also don't think it gives enough resistence. Just my 2cents. I agree with the post above and go to a sports store and hit a few on various bags. You should get some tips before hitting them, cause your knuckles might not be use to hitting something tough and if you don't know how to punch properly, you can easily brake your wrist.


      • #4
        Water filled bags give way to easy to knock around. They are soft. I know that there are a lot of new training equipment out there, but I am old school> I hit the old makawara boards. The one's that hurt. Three boards bolted together so you get spring action and some vines to rip your knuckles and and elbows and forearms. I am not saying that you should be that hardcore, but this new equipment in my opinion coddles the martial artist too much. Today's martial artist (for the most part ) is a martial hobbist. They do not seem to be dedicated. Everything is foam padded and soft, so as people do not "get hurt." It (to me) seems to be only way to condition yourself is to workout on the old school training equipment. Get yourself a regular Good quality everlast or Revgear Heavy Bag a Focus Master complete with as many focus mitts as you can handle and some hardcore old school stuff and wear yourslef out. Do not buy into all the new stuff that is out there. If the new stuff is good Dan and Paul and several other Big names will use it. Also find some people who have the same training beliefs as you do and see what they use. Facts and Figures can be manipulated any # of ways. Your friends wont be. I have a friend Thomas C Young who is partner to give me some advice. Thats my two cents


        • #5
          I use a water filled bag (100 lbs) it hardly moves, it's good for a while then it starts to i would go with a regular filled bag.


          • #6
            Thanks for all the help guys!


            • #7
              i recomend you to buy a simple bag with sand.

              ths is a greatay to relif stress and get the exercise you want.

              have't tried water or foam, i am sticking to sand.


              • #8

                What biker said is perfect. But if you ever decide to go serious buy the biggest hardest one you can find

