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im a kickboxer. i am using weights onmy ancles and wrists, to get more speed. and situps. lots of lots of situps. i thinki don't have to tell you why i do that.
the abs, have to take a lot of punishment during a fight.
Do you know what Buce Lee used to train his abs?
While watching TV he would remain in the crunch position and watch TV like that. Very good exercise.
Any one else?
Re: Abs
Originally posted by Fighter
Do you know what Buce Lee used to train his abs?
While watching TV he would remain in the crunch position and watch TV like that. Very good exercise.
Any one else?
i do following from my boxing cousins.
5 mins skipping, no rest, 20 pushups, no rest, 50 scissor lifts (varied ones).
i repeat this 5 times, in between this common set i either do leg lunges, crunches, reverse crunches, step ups.
il try and run distances of 4 -5 kilometres as fast as i can. fastest is 16 minutes for 4 kms and 22 for 5 kms.
also ill just work combinations on the bag for an hour.
also i go to gym and weight train 3 days a week. above is on alternate days with one days rest basically.
I dont know how many km are in a mile, but Bruce Lee used to run 4 miles in 22 min. I run 4 km every morning it takes me about 20 mins so I'll have to work on that.
Thanks for replying,
Re: Great
Originally posted by Fighter
I dont know how many km are in a mile, but Bruce Lee used to run 4 miles in 22 min. I run 4 km every morning it takes me about 20 mins so I'll have to work on that.
Thanks for replying,
Originally posted by Fighter
OK thanks heaps.
That means he ran 6.4 km a day. I'll definatly need to work on that.
See ya.
Bruce Lee
He was the Greatist. All day he would systematically train his entire body thats what I want to to. I need more equipment first.
But when he became famous he started to go down hill. He started drinking alchoholic tea's, chewing Marajuana and stopped training so intensivly. Thats show business for you.
Re: Bruce Lee
Originally posted by Fighter
He was the Greatist. All day he would systematically train his entire body thats what I want to to. I need more equipment first.
But when he became famous he started to go down hill. He started drinking alchoholic tea's, chewing Marajuana and stopped training so intensivly. Thats show business for you.