Warrior Wrestling Strength Training Program
I. Purpose of Weight Training for Wrestling
A. To strengthen muscles
B. To achieve muscular endurance
C. To prevent and rehabilitate injuries
II. Misconceptions
A. Wrestling practice and competition will maintain strength in-season (it won’t)
1. Because of hard practices, running and weight loss
B. You can’t lift weights and gain strength without gaining weight (you can)
1. Proper diet
2. The right workout
C. You will become muscle bound (you won’t)
1. Maintaining flexibility is essential
2. Stretching
Do not just weight train in the off season: run, wrestle, skip
rope, etc
III. Basic Training Ideas
A. Lift to become a better wrestler, not a better weight lifter!
B. Intensity is the most important aspect.
1. Work hard and fast in-season to help endurance, off-season slow pace
2. Be consistent - DON’T MISS WORKOUTS!!!
3. Everyone responds differently - don’t get discouraged
C. Proper technique is very important
1. Need the full range of motion
D. Train with similar movements to those used in wrestling
1. Power and pummel curls are examples
E. All weight training is good - use what is available
1. Free weights, dumbbells, universal, nautilus, etc
2. Vary workouts - try to work muscles from all angles
IV. Weight Training Methods
A. Space workouts - early morning is best
1. Need at least 5 hours recovery before wrestling
B. Never weight train the same muscle group two days in a row
1. Work the same muscle group until complete unless circuit training
C. Muscle groups: Chest, Back, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, legs (quads, hamstrings & quads), Neck and Abdominals
D. Superset: Going from one exercise to the next with no rest on the same muscle group - used last two months of season
E. Circuit Training: Go from exercise to exercise by time or reps
F. Buddy System: Have a partner or coach push you through workouts
V. In-Season: On-Hand workout (one-on-one)
A. Hard and fast
1. Use supersets: pick 2-3 exercises per body part
2. Need 48 hours rest before big competitions
B. Circuit Training
1. Used before tournament and with team 2. Mostly conditioning, 15 - 20 exercises - 60% of max
3. Combine with running
C. Combine in-season workouts and circuit training during the season
VI. Off-Season
A. Four to six times per week: 80% - 90% of max
1. Heavy, slower, more power movements
B. Good for freshmen or those who need to gain a lot more strength
1. More rest between sets
C. Split body parts for workouts
1. Examples:
Day 1: Chest, Triceps and Legs Day 2: Back, Biceps and Shoulders or Day 1: Chest and Triceps Day 2: Back and Biceps Day 3: Shoulders and legs
2. Work each body part two to three times per week
VII. Injured Wrestlers
A. Should weight train - work around injuries
B. Rehabilitate
1. Actively rehab to return 100%
2. Work one arm, one leg, etc - will help injured side
I. Purpose of Weight Training for Wrestling
A. To strengthen muscles
B. To achieve muscular endurance
C. To prevent and rehabilitate injuries
II. Misconceptions
A. Wrestling practice and competition will maintain strength in-season (it won’t)
1. Because of hard practices, running and weight loss
B. You can’t lift weights and gain strength without gaining weight (you can)
1. Proper diet
2. The right workout
C. You will become muscle bound (you won’t)
1. Maintaining flexibility is essential
2. Stretching
Do not just weight train in the off season: run, wrestle, skip
rope, etc
III. Basic Training Ideas
A. Lift to become a better wrestler, not a better weight lifter!
B. Intensity is the most important aspect.
1. Work hard and fast in-season to help endurance, off-season slow pace
2. Be consistent - DON’T MISS WORKOUTS!!!
3. Everyone responds differently - don’t get discouraged
C. Proper technique is very important
1. Need the full range of motion
D. Train with similar movements to those used in wrestling
1. Power and pummel curls are examples
E. All weight training is good - use what is available
1. Free weights, dumbbells, universal, nautilus, etc
2. Vary workouts - try to work muscles from all angles
IV. Weight Training Methods
A. Space workouts - early morning is best
1. Need at least 5 hours recovery before wrestling
B. Never weight train the same muscle group two days in a row
1. Work the same muscle group until complete unless circuit training
C. Muscle groups: Chest, Back, Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, legs (quads, hamstrings & quads), Neck and Abdominals
D. Superset: Going from one exercise to the next with no rest on the same muscle group - used last two months of season
E. Circuit Training: Go from exercise to exercise by time or reps
F. Buddy System: Have a partner or coach push you through workouts
V. In-Season: On-Hand workout (one-on-one)
A. Hard and fast
1. Use supersets: pick 2-3 exercises per body part
2. Need 48 hours rest before big competitions
B. Circuit Training
1. Used before tournament and with team 2. Mostly conditioning, 15 - 20 exercises - 60% of max
3. Combine with running
C. Combine in-season workouts and circuit training during the season
VI. Off-Season
A. Four to six times per week: 80% - 90% of max
1. Heavy, slower, more power movements
B. Good for freshmen or those who need to gain a lot more strength
1. More rest between sets
C. Split body parts for workouts
1. Examples:
Day 1: Chest, Triceps and Legs Day 2: Back, Biceps and Shoulders or Day 1: Chest and Triceps Day 2: Back and Biceps Day 3: Shoulders and legs
2. Work each body part two to three times per week
VII. Injured Wrestlers
A. Should weight train - work around injuries
B. Rehabilitate
1. Actively rehab to return 100%
2. Work one arm, one leg, etc - will help injured side