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Conditioning Routines

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  • Conditioning Routines

    I found a few more routines that may be utilized by martial artists.This first one is of particular use for grapplers and is a tough one:

    This second one is more for general athletic preparation.Kind of an involved program, but there are some useful strength and conditioning exercises in there:

  • #2
    excellent links mateo!! being new to BJJ i am definetley going to start doing that first one, sounds intense.


    • #3
      bigfight-here is an exercise you might find useful for strength and endurance that can carry over to your BJJ.

      The Sandbag Lift and Load Drill

      Stand in front of a platform that is three to four feet off the ground.A picnic table or the back of a pickup truck works well.Place your sandbag on the floor in front of the platform.Bend over and pick up the sandbag and place it on the platform.Pause for a second.Pick it up again and return it to the floor.Pause again.That's one rep.Repeat until you have done fifty reps.Try to accomplish these fifty reps in the minimal amount of time.Record that time every workout and shoot for a personal best each time.You can also use a progressively heavier bag each time.Another variation is to use a lighter bag and do all the odd reps with your right hand and all the even reps with your left hand.One more variation has you starting with the bag on your right side.You turn to your right, pick the bag up and place it on the far left side of the platform.Return the bag to the ground, this time on your left side.Pick the bag up and place it on the far right side of the platform.Repeat.This one helps build rotational strength, which is useful in throws.

