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  • Running

    I'm just starting a running program and was wondering who else on this board uses it as a conditioning exercise, or whatever the hell it's used for.

    I'd be interested to know times, days per week, distances, junk like that, and what you think it is good for.
    Running? What\'s running?
    Maybe once a year?
    1 day a week.
    2-3 days a week.
    4-6 days a week.
    Every day. or more.

  • #2
    Bruce Lee described running as the, "mother of all exercises" and I think the majority of martial artists would agree. I personally think its the "motherf*cker of all exercises" because I hate it!! I never enjoyed it when I was young, and I don't like doing that much now

    I believe Thai boxers do it everyday. As much as I hate running, it should be an important part of your training schedule. It does tire you out, but it would make you a lot fitter. I do force myself to run on a treadmill for 15 minutes, twice a week. On top of that, I do other cardiovascular exercises on other machines (like rowers, cross-trainers). I also like doing circuit training as a substitute to it.


    • #3
      I recently started running and now my left knee is acting up. Does anyone have any advice? I don't notice any pain while running just the next day it burns like crazy!


      • #4
        What type of terrain are you running on?

        Not sure how effective this advice is, but try running on softer ground (such as on grass) and invest in a good pair of running shoes.


        • #5
          I used to run alot. I haven't been very diligent lately, but I am running a half marathon tomorrow morning (13.1 miles).


          • #6
            Hey Battery, after some time off I started running/conditioning again. This is what I do (please comment)

            Monday- 2 miles at a steady pace. Shadow box 3-3min rounds (1st round is light/quick, 2nd and 3rd round go all out). Calisthenics/ab work and stretch.

            Tuesday- 2.5 miles running intervals (from 40-60% of max speed) Shadow box 1 round (lt/quick), kick 1 round (lt/quick) and hit/kick hvy bag 4-3min rounds, calisthenics/abs and stretch.

            Wed- 3 miles steady pace, shadow box 4-3 min rounds, skip rope 2-3min rounds, calisthenics/abs/stretch.

            Thurs- 1 mile (20 sec allout sprint/20 sec easy jog = really want to puke; rest 2-5 min, non-stop flurry punches 20 sec x 4, pyramid kick drill => soak in hot bath

            Fri - work on technique in front of mirror, footwork, lt shadow boxing/kicking.

            Sat/Sun - leisurely walk, swim, yoga, club dancing with friends.

            Oh yeah. I stopped binge drinking on weekends. Why? they say that 1-2 drinks are beneficial


            • #7
              Yo battery, about your heavy bag question (seeing it was clustered with responses), if you can afford it, go check out a YMCA in your area. If they have a few heavy bags or training dummies and can afford a membership, go for it or check with your local cities universities (their rec sport centers might have one). YMCA/University sport centers are less expensive than fancy gyms.

              Here's another idea. Buy one of those 20lb sacks of rice from the store. Transfer the rice into another container (garbage bag or something large - make sure everyone know where the rice is going). Fill the rice bag with old towels and socks until its stuffed to the max. Hang it from a tree, adjust to your height and pound away. If it develops a whole from your massive attacks, use duct tape.

              I get inspired from hearing younger people. Not that I'm old, but its really cool.


              • #8
                Sorry I was so late in replying Tom Yum.
                Anyway, you weekly workouts sound pretty much like what I intend to do - obviously wih different things added, some taken away etcetera, depending on what I can do at the time.

                I too used to run but then left (for no real reason) and am now finding it extremely hard to get back into it.

                That YMCA idea is good, but unfortuantely not for me. I don't 'click' with others. I hyperventilate if I so much as have to answer the phone. So dealing with other people is out.
                That's a real problem. I need to work on that.

                Anyway, thanks everyone.


                • #9
                  Sorry, I hate running, I swim regularly



                  • #10
                    What advantages do you get from swimming that you don't get from running besides the obvious of it being easier on your joints.


                    • #11
                      Good question, maybe it's because I was a competition swimmer before I turned (again) to martial arts. Maybe it's also that I train the upper body too, not just the legs. Maybe it's because it is that I am totally bored with running but love swimming...I don't know.
                      Personal preference, I would say



                      • #12
                        I read somwhere on this board that running was a motherf*cker and I agree. I've never liked doing it but I still believe it is the most effective form of cardiovascular conditioning out there. I don't run everyday because of my knees and I do 2 sessions at the track and two on the treadmill. the stationary bike helps so i don't get burnout. My training schedule goes something like this:

                        Sat/Sun- Running 2-3 miles( deep stretching and shadow boxing/ kicking drills afterwards)

                        Mon/Wed/Fri- weight training ( stationary bike for 25 mins for cardio

                        Tues/Thurs- ab training, 30 mins treadmill ( relax in hot tub)


                        • #13
                          When I was younger, about 13 I ran 3 to 4 miles everyday sometimes more. That was everyday. I never missed running even if I had to head out at 3am. But i started having problems with my knees, extreme pain. Went to the doc and he told me my bones had started growing into my knee cap because of the repeditive stress of all the running. He told me if I wanted to keep walking I could do one of two things, One stop running or two get better shoes with insoles.

                          So I got actual running shoes and then got insoles and the pain slowly subsided. If you have having problems with your knees I suggest finding better shoes, get insoles and make sure you have proper form when you run.

                          Since then I tore both my hamstrings in freak accidents and that put a damper on running but I am trying to get back to it.

                          Everytime you quit it gets harder to get going.


                          • #14
                            i read yesterday at the local book store in one of bruce lee's books that 10 minutes of skipping rope is equivilent to 30 minutes of jogging...i still do both however, i run at least 2 miles everyday.


                            • #15
                              I am an odd person. I enjoy running. We have to do it everyday in wrestling. Running is my time to wind-down and just be free. Once upon a time I was fat and chunky, and running was my savior. Anyway, I enjoy it. I think the key to sticking to exercise is enjoying it. It gives me a sense of pride to be able to run farther and faster each day. I have to turn everything into a "mission" or "goal" it makes it easier to enjoy. For example, aiming to get more distance each week or faster miles.

