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Bulking up!

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  • Bulking up!

    How many of you bulk up?

    The advantages are that you become strounger.
    That’s why I will start tomorrow.

    Disadvantages arte that you will get a little podgy.

    SO what do you think about bulking up.

  • #2
    Remember the South Park episode, when Cartman decided to bulk up for TV..."BEEF CAKE!" I put on 13 lbs this summer and I attribute about 8-9 lbs to be lean muscle mass. Did a few months of heavy lifting and beef eating. I don't consider that a monster gain like what you see in bodybuilding mags, but people notice.

    Bulking up is a good idea if you're in an off season phase, if you think you're too thin or are trying to get noticed on the beach. I'm not sure how body builders do it, but it involves a good deal of supplementation and protein intake.

    To keep up with the additional weight gain if you fight now and then, you've got to not only maintain it but be able to move with it like football players do. I think football players and wrestlers (not WWE) do an excellent job of keeping their bulk gains functional not only by eating properly and supplementing, but by pushing themselves in insane workouts with plyometrics, sled pulling, jumping, sprinting and weight training.
    Last edited by Tom Yum; 07-14-2003, 04:07 PM.


    • #3
      First off, what is your body size? Bulking up while not gaining fat is not impossible though most people try to just load up on the calories (mostly from carbs) and end up putting on some fat. Most of what I do is based on protein. Supplemented protein is good but can only take you so far, you need real food protein. What is the best thing for getting bigger on protein is to cycle it and it works almost like a steroid...I have tried this and it does work. I went from 185lbs. to 240lbs., 14-1/2" arms to 16-1/2" arms, chest went from 42" to 45". I did all this in record time too....What I do is since I weigh about 240lbs. I take in about 250g to 300g of protein daily for about 8 weeks (by this time your body adjusts to the high protein levels) then I drop off to almost no protein everyday (puts the body in a scavenging state where it tries to best use every bit of protein it can get a hold on). I hold the really low level for about 4 weeks and then shoot right back up to the high level. I have gained more in a short amount of time than most people gain on anabolic steroids and all I take is Optimum Nutrition protein and EAS Phosphagen HP.

      If you need more information please ask cuz I can give you some pretty sound advice for gaining muscles and strength.


      • #4
        What is optimum nutrition protein? Is it whey protein based??


        • #5
          Originally posted by Tom Yum
          What is optimum nutrition protein? Is it whey protein based??


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tom Yum
            What is optimum nutrition protein? Is it whey protein based??


            • #7
              Thanks for the link.

              I've used a whey protein shake and have added a decent amount of strength with minimal weight gain (13 lbs). I can do 6 reps with 225 bench (a 6th rep with a little spot) at a body weight of 172. That puts my 1 RM at 265.

              Next strength cycle, I'm goin' for 300!!!


              • #8
                the optimum nutrition is really good and it's really cheap too. The main thing to remember is not to rely on supplement protein. I use it but not all the time (I get most of my protein from food). There are good points and bad points about whey protein though. I don't max out though, haven't maxed in a long time. I usually work out with over 300lbs. though. The most I have done was a set of 10 with about 320-330lbs. I don't remember. Most of the time I work out with dumbells though because you get better gains.


                • #9
                  I'm not sure how body builders do it, but it involves a good deal of supplementation and protein intake

                  Ok well bodybuilders use weight gain.
                  I will be using it tomorrow to just gain strength.
                  The weight gain has 52 grams of protein.
                  Wicked right.
                  I hope to gain a stone in lean muscle.
                  Well at least it will be lean when I lose the double chin!

                  Check out this site for the prolab N large 2 weight gain I am going on:


                  Or for you yanks:

                  Darn its so cheap for you yanks. Here in England its £27.99 for you its $17.99
                  Last edited by Paul Wilson; 07-14-2003, 06:10 PM.


                  • #10
                    N large II

                    I just got it through the post.

                    Strawberry flavour. I prefer chocolate.

                    Nutritional info:

                    Energy - 2538 KJ
                    Protein - 52g
                    Carbs - 87g
                    of which: sugars - 28g
                    Fat - 5g
                    of which saturates - 3g
                    Cholesterol - 110mg
                    Fibre - 0g
                    Sodium - 160mg

                    Good right.

                    It's not suitable for children under the age of 15.

                    Mixes with your favourite beverage.


                    Cross filtered micro filtration cold processed Ion exchanged Whey Protein Concentrated (45.6%), Maltodextrin, Sweetener: Fructose, Natural & artificial flavours, colour: Red beet powder, Emulsifier: Lecithin.

                    All 2.75 Kg's taste great.


                    • #11
                      Paul, you are kinda new to bulking up right?

                      First off the only people I ever suggest using weight gainer is severely underweight people. The truth is that most of them don't work and they are not very good for you. Most people that use them will find that they gain more fat than anything. I tried them once years ago because I thought I could gain some muscle. I gained about 20lbs. of nasty, squishy fat.......

                      If you want to gain mass without gaining fat the best way is through protein.

                      Calories 620 .
                      Calories from fat 54 .
                      Total Fat 6g 9%
                      Saturated Fat 3g 15%
                      Cholesterol 110mg 33%
                      Sodium 170mg 7%
                      Total Carbohydrates 89g 31%
                      Dietary Fiber 4g 4%
                      Sugars 23g .
                      Protein 52g 104%

                      Those are the nutritional values of what you are getting. Truth be told with this makeup all you are going to do is put on fat....sorry, but it's the truth. You see where it says 89g of carbs, that means that if you take it like you are suppose too and do it 3 times a day you are going to be getting 267g of carbs a day, which is good if you want to gain but you are going to have to work out alot to keep the fat off. The 620 calories a day is not near sufficient to gain mass, that would put you at around 1860 calories a day when you need more like 2500 or 3000 at least. It also says that it has 52g of protein which would be sufficient if you weigh 150lbs. but not more. The problem with the protein though is that the human body can only process around 30g at a time and if you take in more than that in one sitting you are just using the rest for stored fat. This also has a pretty good amount of sugar in it which I don't know how you react to sugar, but I know of several buddies that get very tired when taking in large amounts of sugar in one sitting. The reason for this being that the large amount of sugar at one time causes the body to have an insulin spike and this makes you very tired. I know how this is because when I used to take Cell-tech creatine I would have insulin spikes and it made me feel like shit.

                      A very important thing that you might want to consider is getting more dietary fiber if you are going to be taking large amounts of protein at one time. If you don't have sufficient amount of fiber with a high protein diet it can cause some pretty hellacious constipation (trust me on this one). I usually eat alot of flax seed with my protein to get my fiber. Flax seed is good to help and cure alot of aillments and it helps to maintain weight as well. Alot of people get the flax oil or the pill which is fine but you will never get as much as you will with the whole seed. I get a 25lbs. bag at one time and that will last me most of a year. I go to the whole foods market and it cost me about $25 for the regular flax seed and about $50 for the golden flax.

                      The Prolab does not say where the protein is derived from and that is kind of funny. I usually go half and half with whey protein and food protein. The food protein is slower absorbing and the whey is faster absorbing. Whey should be an essential part for anyone working out because it has an excellent make-up of branch chain amino acids that assist alot with recovery and building of muscles.

                      That's all I will write for now.......more to come


                      • #12
                        Weight gain is protein. It contains 100% Whey protein. Built on natural Amino acids.

                        You are also sadly wrong for saying that the only people who go and weight gain are the ones severely under weight.
                        Bodybuilders. Who are clearly not small, use it to increase mass.

                        But I will let such a retarted kid get away with that one.

                        Weight gain is used to build muscle.


                        • #13
                          I will let you slip for calling me retarded since you obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about kid. I never said the "only people" that use weight gains is severly underweight people. I said "the only people I SUGGEST" using weight gain were severely underweight. Some bodybuilders do use weight gain, but strictly in there off season when they are looking to put on mass and then later work on the muscle.

                          You don't even know how much protein you are suppose to take at one time and you are going to tell me what is are not very bright are

                          Weight gain is not for building muscle, yes you will gain "some" muscle on weight gainer but mostly it is used for building mass.

                          Don't worry about it though man, I was there once years ago when I first got into working out and I did not know what the hell was going on. I tried the weight gainers and all that shit and they don't work the way you want them too......You can take that crap all you want but the weight gainer will never make you look like the guy on the

                          The only thing that is ever going to make you grow is the right diet with the right amount of nutrients. Supplements are good but they are what they say they are SUPPLEMENTS, they are not going to make you huge by themselves.

                          You are more than welcome to come down to the Supplement Central forum and talk with me and other bodybuilders and see what really works and what doesn't, but I guarantee you that no one is going to suggest using weight gainer, they are all going to tell you that your diet is number one and the only supplement really worth taking is whey protein.


                          • #14
                            Yes i think Falcon knows what he's talking about on this one so shut up and read.


                            • #15
                              Uh.... Paul, being into bodybuilding myself, I have to warn you that if you go into this stuff just buying anything you want, not knowing how to use suppliments, and not knowing how much protein, carbs, and fats to take're going to end up hurting yourself.

                              Falcon is giving some pretty good advice on the subject. I'd listen more, and talk less.

                              Just my opinion.

