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what was Bruce Lee's Diet?

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  • what was Bruce Lee's Diet?

    what was Bruce Lee's Diet? what did he eat andwhat did he drink?

  • #2
    Chinese food.


    • #3
      Yes, probably Chinese food. And he drank different sorts of teas according to our resident Bruce scholar Pencode.

      No more Bruce questions please.

      Whatever it was that Bruce ate, it probably won't work for you. Most diets have to be tailored to individuals since we each have unique genetics, and hence, our own unique biochemistry and physiology. Also, nutritional knowledge in the late 60's and early 70's wasn't what it was today. Hence, whatever Bruce ate probably wasn't the optimal diet for most people. Bruce has freaky genetics. Most people aren't going to get cut up like him even if they try. Also, my understanding is that he used steroids for a while too. So chalk up part of that physique to drugs. Also, you have to factor in his training regimen. Bruce might have consummed 5000 calories a day, but worked so hard he burned it all off. The average guy who doesn't train like a madman and eats like that will get fat and quickly. There isn't a lot of point in asking what a guy who died 30 years ago ate unless you're writing a biography. In which case you'd be asking people who knew Bruce, not people on the internet.

      So I'm guessing you're asking what Bruce's diet was because you suppose you can get all buff and cut up like Bruce by eating what he ate. He could have had that body by freaky genetics alone for all you know. I mean there is that freaky kid who's like 8 who goes on talk shows and looks like a mini-bodybuilder. And Tim just posted earlier about how he met the "world's strongest man", some 140 lb. guy who curls 120 lb. dumbells, but never works out. Asking what Bruce ate makes as much sense as asking what Richard Feynman ate if you want to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Either you're born with 1 in 100 million genetics or you're not. So find a diet that works statistically for average people and then tinker with it until you see the results you want.


      • #4
        That'll teach him to ask a question.


        • #5
          Be optimistic.

          Originally posted by RobertG
          Yes, probably Chinese food. And he drank different sorts of teas according to our resident Bruce scholar Pencode.

          No more Bruce questions please.

          Whatever it was that Bruce ate, it probably won't work for you. Most diets have to be tailored to individuals since we each have unique genetics, and hence, our own unique biochemistry and physiology. Also, nutritional knowledge in the late 60's and early 70's wasn't what it was today. Hence, whatever Bruce ate probably wasn't the optimal diet for most people. Bruce has freaky genetics. Most people aren't going to get cut up like him even if they try. Also, my understanding is that he used steroids for a while too. So chalk up part of that physique to drugs. Also, you have to factor in his training regimen. Bruce might have consummed 5000 calories a day, but worked so hard he burned it all off. The average guy who doesn't train like a madman and eats like that will get fat and quickly. There isn't a lot of point in asking what a guy who died 30 years ago ate unless you're writing a biography. In which case you'd be asking people who knew Bruce, not people on the internet.

          So I'm guessing you're asking what Bruce's diet was because you suppose you can get all buff and cut up like Bruce by eating what he ate. He could have had that body by freaky genetics alone for all you know. I mean there is that freaky kid who's like 8 who goes on talk shows and looks like a mini-bodybuilder. And Tim just posted earlier about how he met the "world's strongest man", some 140 lb. guy who curls 120 lb. dumbells, but never works out. Asking what Bruce ate makes as much sense as asking what Richard Feynman ate if you want to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Either you're born with 1 in 100 million genetics or you're not. So find a diet that works statistically for average people and then tinker with it until you see the results you want.
          You know, if you're going to throw modern diets in there, then maybe you are forgetting the fact that Jun Fan (Bruce) Lee was born and raised in China, where they still hold the world's oldest traditions, especially that of medicine and dieting. It's easy to imagine that during his training of Wing Tsun he was also taught about what foods and medicines to take for an optimal diet.

          Perhaps he is asking the question simply because he has that same wiry frame that most individuals of the ages 15 to 26 posess. It may also be that he is curious as to what foods he ate because they may have had a hand in his uncanny speed and flexibility. Hell, maybe he's Chinese and and people say he looks like Bruce Lee. Do some research before you go blowing smoke.

          It's not only about the diet, of course, but it sure as hell does help. I myself have that same frame and am finding it quite simple getting to where Bruce Lee was. Dedication and devotion is all it takes. You have to love what you are doing and you have to know how to do it right. Bruce Lee usually ate the same thing every day; beefsauce or soysauce with rice. He also drank a lot of tea and milk instead of coffee. You can find out more information in the book, "Bruce Lee : The Art of Expressing the Human Body". It was compiled and edited by John Little. The ISBN is 0-8048-3129-7. Good luck, JKDBoy.

          Next time RG, instead of gunning down someone's plane, try adding some positive info and help out.


          • #6
            I think that robert G did help out. He said that Bruce was the way he was at least partly due to genetics and a lot of training and that his diet proably wasn't particularly special.

            He's right we do know more about diet than we used to.

            "It's easy to imagine that during his training of Wing Tsun he was also taught about what foods and medicines to take for an optimal diet. "

            OK mr lee, as your chinese wing chun diet/medicine expert I would advise you to take plenty of Tiger penis and gorrila heart. Based on our chi X-rays we think you should also consider increasing your intake of Polar bear anus as well, you don't want any negative chi ions clogging up your bowels.


            • #7

              You're being childish. You speak as though Chinese medicine is obsolete and irrelevant to the human body. If that were true, then why is there such an abundance and high demand of these remedies and dietary prescriptions in the United States? I'm sure that he who asked this question is well aware of the fact that everyone is different - to an extent. I was simply saying that RG could have done more to help. Grow up.


              • #8
                Yeah, grow up. Its a proven fact that cutting off a tiger's bollocks, and then crushing them into powder and eating them, will be good for your sex drive....... Proven fact.....proven fact.

                And wasn't Bruce raised in Hong Kong? A very different place to China.


                • #9
                  Re: ?

                  Originally posted by Akuma Kage
                  You're being childish. You speak as though Chinese medicine is obsolete and irrelevant to the human body. If that were true, then why is there such an abundance and high demand of these remedies and dietary prescriptions in the United States? I'm sure that he who asked this question is well aware of the fact that everyone is different - to an extent. I was simply saying that RG could have done more to help. Grow up.
                  Well poopoo to you too!

                  Chinese medicine IS obsolete, there is a high demand for them in the US because the US thinks that foreign exotic things are superior to their own ways of doing things.

                  Any benefit gained from eating kangaroo testicles will be psychological.

                  I get so tired of all these chi fanatics. Where's robert G he's good at dealing with this.

                  Look kage I definately think you need to eat more octopus brains and crushed platipus eyelid. Drink it down with a nice cup of elephant urine and you'll be cured of your beleif in chinese medicine.


                  • #10
                    drink ginseng!!thats the only herbal thingymajjiger you'll ever need! my mum and dad bought crap loads of it in korea, and its a fact that it improves health. ive been having one cup of the stuff almost every day and ive completely stopped having colds, i can work out more intensely and longer, and for some reason my eyesights gotten better even though i fry them every night going on the internet!


                    • #11
                      Re: Be optimistic.

                      Originally posted by Akuma Kage

                      It's not only about the diet, of course, but it sure as hell does help. I myself have that same frame and am finding it quite simple getting to where Bruce Lee was. Dedication and devotion is all it takes. You have to love what you are doing and you have to know how to do it right. Bruce Lee usually ate the same thing every day; beefsauce or soysauce with rice. He also drank a lot of tea and milk instead of coffee. You can find out more information in the book, "Bruce Lee : The Art of Expressing the Human Body". It was compiled and edited by John Little. The ISBN is 0-8048-3129-7. Good luck, JKDBoy.

                      Next time RG, instead of gunning down someone's plane, try adding some positive info and help out.
                      First off, I thought I was giving positive info--e.g. look up modern diets. Secondly, if Bruce just ate soy sauce with rice, then my advice makes even more sense. A diet of simple carbs and a tiny bit of soy protein is idiotic. You can only get away with it if you have freaky genetics. Gee, lets not get any fat in the diet, lets not get any protein, lets not get any fruits or vegetables. If that is what he ate everyday for every meal (you didn't indicate otherwise) then its hardly any wonder he dropped dead at 33. Sorry, after reading that I have to say that following Bruce's diet is about the most idiotic thing anyone can do. At least have the sense to throw some chicken and veggies on top of the rice.


                      • #12
                        bruce lee liked oysters and beef no?


                        • #13
                          "drink ginseng!!"

                          Erm... OK I will start drinking genseng, I need something to replace my Tea (tea you drink, I only have one cup a day now, dentists orders). Strange that I was totaly convinced just like that, maybe it was the double exclamation mark having an effect.

                          Though I suspect the improvments are purely pysochological (a placebo), I could do with more energy and improved eyesight.

                          First time I wrote this I wrote Tae instead of Tea, I've been on here too long.

                          Give me all your money!!


                          • #14
                            Why be like bruce? what's wrong with being yourself?

                            as he put to steve golden a long time ago

                            "why are you doing it that way?" bruce

                            "that's how you do it" Steve Golden

                            "YOU'RE NOT BRUCE LEE " bruce

                            lizard, what variety of tea do you usually drink? dentist orders? they do something for the teeth?


                            • #15
                              Alright, look, I jumped the gun at saying that what RG said wasn't entirely helpful. All I meant was to give some more positive info on what JKDBoy asked for. Since no one had given him a straight answer, I figured I'd tell him what I knew. No, of course I don't entirely agree with the Chinese culture and their beliefs in medicine and natural prescriptions. All I am saying is that you can't help deny that there are specific aspects of the field that cannot go overlooked. Simply because of their rare superiority to other "miracle medicines" booming throughout the United States over the past few decades, saying they'll cure this and they'll cure that. Hell, we've even had Laramie Cigarettes advertising as late as about 1947 saying that they are " Just what the doctor ordered ". I apologize if there was any miscommunication made and if I seemed rather brash. I just thought it was odd that no one had even taken the time to answer the guy's question. Who cares whether the diet will or won't work for him? If he's asking here, chances are he's asked other places as well and might be pretty adamant about finding out what he wants to know. Let him find out on his own whether or not it's going to work for him.

                              ...Chi fanatic...?

