are there any safe fat burners? i need to lose like 5 or 10 pounds
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are there any safe fat burners?
If you only need to lose 5-10 lbs, don't bother with fat burners and thermogenics. Lower your carb intake, eat more green vegetables, and drink more water. Eating 4-6 small meals during the day wouldn't hurt either. Start with your bigger meal being breakfast and make each meal after that smaller than the previous one.
i've tried a couple, the best one i've tried was lipo 6
but i've tried some otheres, and if you miss a day, you crash. If you crash from not taking it, thats probably a sign that it's not really all that good for ya.
but 5 or 10 pounds to lose, I wouldn't worry about taking any weight loss pill. Watch what you eat. Get out and do some running.
As my opinion, the safe fat burner is foods. Let's consume more rich-fiber foods and you can keep your body fit. Personally, I often choose alfalfa as the main part of daily meals. Beside richness of fiber in its content, alfalfa contains many vitamins and minerals that can strengthen your immunity and your health. This benefit in mentioned in many health article, you can see details at