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How Should One Train?

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  • How Should One Train?

    I want to be stronger, but I don't want to end up looking like arnold, I'm not trying to be a bruce lee, but I'd rather look like him, to have agile muscles...what's the differences in the training methods?

  • #2
    To look like Arnold you'd need massive amounts of steroids, massive amounts of calories, massive amounts of weight training, and one in a million genetics. Therefore, chances are, nothing you will do will ever make you look like Arnold.

    Ditto for Bruce. Well Bruce probably did some steroids coupled with insane training volume and the genetic background.

    First off, genetics will determine if you look like Bruce or Arnold. If you're skinny already, well, then you're probably going to have to work really hard to bulk up. If you're bulky, then you're going to have to work really hard to lean out. So, in order to address your question, you might want to provide more information.

    That all said, the basic equation is pretty simple. If you want to bulk, lift a lot and eat a lot and sleep a lot. If you want to cut, eat less, do more cardio, and, well sleeping probably will still help in your recovery. But honestly, if you want to get all cut up and muscular, unless you've got great genetics (or great drugs) you're going to have to work really, really, really hard.


    • #3
      Why is it that when ever people look at someone who has some sort of defined muscle mass, they automatically assume steriods? Bruce Lee did not use steriods. He smoked weed once in a while, but that was about the extent of his drug use. The difference in training methods is this. If you wanted to look like Arnold, you would want to use hypertrophy (with light weight), whey protien and creatine. Otherwise if you want to look more like Bruce, use medium weight, fast reps, and I would still probably recommend using whey protien. Also, do alot of cardio. Running, plyometrics, that sort of stuff will increase your lean muscle mass.
      Good luck-


      • #4
        Work out three days a week Mon-Wed-Fri. and do cardio 3 days Tues-Thurs-Sat. 8-10 rep range for the exercises. Also, to look like arnold u would have to work out like crazy fpr years and years with a perfect diet. If you want help making a workout place message me or check out


        • #5
          The truth is that it takes hard work to change your body. Don't worry about how you look. Just train for your goals. It is possible to be fat, and be a good fighter, just as it's possible to be skinny and extremely strong.

          So, let us know your goals so we can help you out more specifically.


          • #6
            simply put, I jut want to get stronger, but I want to be agile and flexible....I'm a mesomorph if that helps...mostly I think I need to work on my legs...


            • #7

              Do squats. Do sets of like 4-6 reps, as heavy as you possibly can. Stretch between sets.


              • #8
                "But honestly, if you want to get all cut up and muscular, unless you've got great genetics (or great drugs) you're going to have to work really, really, really hard."

                Are people that distorted in their views these days that we actually have to say things like this?


                • #9
                  you know I hate it when people bring up genetics every time somebody asks "how can I sculpt myself better?" The truth is that genetics is only half the story. Whild most bodybuilders really are genetic freaks most people can achieve a fairly muscular body. I myself am pretty lean and when people ask for my weight I tell them 175 lbs. They don't believe me but its true. I have found though that with some weight training and lots of swimming I could gain a lot of definition and strength. Actually I would suggest swimming as a great workout. It has both resistance training and some cardio. You can always add some swimming equipment to change up your workout. The great part is your joints will thank you for it. Besides chicks dig that Baywatch dude look.


                  • #10
                    yea, my dad reccomended swimming too...I remember when I trained a bit kung-fu wich I had to quit from due to lack of money, our sifu made us do "frog-leaps" over each other, like one guy gets on his knees and kinda lays down to make himself small, and the other one squats and then jumps over him from that position, and turn around and jump again and again etc., he said "do 60", all of us newcomers made it to less than 20, I seriosly never had so much trouble walking as that night, we had to go backwards down the stairs, but it's a hell of a workout for your legs...


                    • #11
                      I remember is wrestling doing those while running in a circle. We had to do it as fast as we could without screwing up. I dreaded though when we had to do duck walks. You start on one knee and with the other legs shin flat on the ground. Then you drag that leg to the front while flatting the other one. After doing a couple of rounds of those and we were barely able to get back onto our feet. Our thighs though were strong after that.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by RobertG
                        unless you've got great genetics
                        ...I dont believe that for a second...Arny was a fat kid who got bullied alot, thats what made him work. Anyone can develop muscles, it just takes comitment. I think people are alot more likely to have a genetic predisposition to working hard than simply to having big muscles.


                        • #13
                          You need the genetics to allow for a fully proportioned build. Not just anyone can be a champion body builder, regardless of how hard they work.

                          And the guy was a steroid head, like all the other Pros.


                          • #14
                            It is all part genetics part hard work. I think it is dumb to say that if you aren't in great shape then you can't get in great shape. Don't you realize if you want to get really good at anything you have to work really hard robert

