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  • techniques

    My left jab has become very slow and I am at a lost for thought at traing techniques. My jumping knee strike at head level is also becoming slow. I need some new techniques to try to maybe correct these two issues.
    Last edited by Zero18; 10-01-2003, 09:05 PM.

  • #2
    practice improving your left jab by shadowboxing. Start slow and pay attention to form, find out where the weak link is and correct it.

    for knees try doing the followin excercies...

    one arm dumbell swings.

    get in Squat position with dumell center in between legs. explode up pulling you left arm w/ dumbell straight ahead of you, while doing this make sure you drive your hips forward. try to use your hips to generate the force to get into the standing position

    also do pull throughs

    attach a rope to the bottom hook of a cable machine. get in squat position and put hands on each side of the rope and stand up with arms straight in front of you driving hips forward.
    this is basically the same as dumbell swings, but with cables....


    • #3
      Slow jab might be a sign of a tight bicepts.Try stretching it,and see what comes

