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Need desperate help from experts

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  • Need desperate help from experts

    hi well this is how it this lad started me.i managed to get my self out, but know it will be only a matter of time before we have a fight.iam one of the respected members of the college therefore the boy knows if he beats me his reputation will become invincible.only i come in his way.There was once a time when i used to go boxing and was one of the feared guy in my college.them days are now over.ive stared smoking cant run a down the road without dieing for breath and if this boy beats me not only my rep will go down the drain but the respect ive gathered.which is the reason ive decided i must fight this guy and get it over and down with.i need a heavy training shedule which i will carry out that will bring me back to my best within a the only advantage i got to him is iam taller and bigger.his got a temper.also can u give me some mind games so i could freak him out up to the fight.thanks your advise may save someone reputaion and respect being crashed.

  • #2
    Re: Need desperate help from experts

    Originally posted by Lion-heart
    ...i need a heavy training shedule which i will carry out that will bring me back to my best within a week...
    No such animal exists. If you start "heavy training" now, you will be more broken down for the next week than if you do almost nothing at all. Excercise pays off in the long term, not the short term.

    This is especially true if you used to be in good shape and let yourself slide. You are quite likely to overdue things leaving yourself stiff and sore. Not optimal fighting shape.

    My recommendation would be to start out with a "light training" schedule that will not leave you crippled and work on your mental toughness and preparedness. End the fight fast and hard in the first few seconds, and you won't need to worry about endurance.


    • #3
      im sorry bad that is a pathetic story. fighting in college to protect your rep. I though college was in institution of higher learning? Besides you could not get into shape is just a week, especially with smoking involved, kick the habit. I will suggest though if you do get into a fight just do what you have to to win. kick him in his balls. later he will say that you fought like a pussy, but remind him that he was the one on the ground cupping his balls crying like a pussy.


      • #4
        Lion Heart = Donkey Brain.


        • #5
          thai bri u must not understand english.lion has nothing to do with a donkey.and a heart is not a my case any yours i wonder.

          greybeard and adecs thx for the advise, ive manage to calm the situation down.i will fight the guy in some weeks time.what i lack in is speed.ive knock a guy out in one punch before but the thing is i usually miss my punches so living myself open for a counterattack.


          • #6
            It can't be much of a college if it produces ill educated and illiterate knobs like you, can it?


            • #7
              Sorry, but I would have to completely agree with adacas on this one. Most notably the first part. Fighting to protect your rep in college???


              • #8
                I hope you get your ass beat!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Lion-heart
                  thai bri u must not understand english.lion has nothing to do with a donkey.and a heart is not a my case any yours i wonder.
                  This was a great put down though, wasn't it?

                  Haw haw haw!

