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MOD: The O.O.D.A Cycle
Human Combative Behavior
Reading that article reminded me of an article on the same topic I read some years back. The first article I read on OODA was at the International Hoplology Society website. IHS has an interesting collection of articles that are rotated about every six months or so.
U.S. Air Force Colonel John Boyd (1927-1997)
I have done more research in to the OODA cycle created by Colonel John Boyd. Boyd’s work has been influential in the development of modern American military and business strategy. The small collection of links below connect to various articles on or related to Boyd and the OODA loop.
Got a Second? A Journey into the OODA Cycle (pdf)
USAF Col John Boyd – From fighter Tactics to the Art of War (Nice selection of links at base of page.)
Hands vs. Guns – A Guide to the Mental Side of Defending Yourself Against the Ultimate Threat
Shock And Awe--Your Competitors
Boyd & Military Strategy
Little-known pilot shaped U.S. strategy in Iraq
OODA Loop Sketch
From Air Force Fighter Pilot to Marine Corps Warfighting: Colonel John Boyd, His Theories on War, and their Unexpected Legacy
It took me a while to get to the article(I couldn't stop laughing at the alien in pink that he was kneeing in the balls.)But, it was very interesting. Thanks