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can somebody help me???????!!!!!!!!!1111

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  • can somebody help me???????!!!!!!!!!1111

    As most of you know, I'm a fairly decent person. But I do do some things that othre poeple might not like. One of these, everyday at work at the office I take a pen or two and slip it in my pocket before I go home. Nobody seemed to notice and I have been diong it for few months now. But yesterdya I was taking one of those expensive calligraphy pens and I slipped it in my pocket. I looked around to see if anyone had bbeen watching and i saw this short guy with a blond mullet and a goatee standing at the other side of the room. He was just staring at me with suspiscious eyes and the his stare sent a shivver down my spine. I quickly left and went home immedetely. The next day when I arrived at work, as soon as I came into my office room I saw the same guy who was staring at me yesterday and he was sitting im MY chair, at MY cubicle. We werre the only two peiople in the room as I prefer to arrive early. I said 'hi' and he just withdrew to a corner and preseeded to stare at me with those suspichious eyes. Before I left work I was about to do my daily business when i noticed there were no pens in the pen storer. I looked around to see the same guy staring at me with those suspicious eyes. The next morning I checked my mail box and found it was loaded with pens.
    This is starting to freak me out. I want to resolve the issue without violence but this guy is mysterious and scary and he won't speak to me.

    can somebody help me???????!!!!!!!!!1111

  • #2
    Originally posted by fanman.
    As most of you know, I'm a fairly decent person. But I do do some things that othre poeple might not like. One of these, everyday at work at the office I take a pen or two and slip it in my pocket before I go home. Nobody seemed to notice and I have been diong it for few months now. But yesterdya I was taking one of those expensive calligraphy pens and I slipped it in my pocket. I looked around to see if anyone had bbeen watching and i saw this short guy with a blond mullet and a goatee standing at the other side of the room. He was just staring at me with suspiscious eyes and the his stare sent a shivver down my spine. I quickly left and went home immedetely. The next day when I arrived at work, as soon as I came into my office room I saw the same guy who was staring at me yesterday and he was sitting im MY chair, at MY cubicle. We werre the only two peiople in the room as I prefer to arrive early. I said 'hi' and he just withdrew to a corner and preseeded to stare at me with those suspichious eyes. Before I left work I was about to do my daily business when i noticed there were no pens in the pen storer. I looked around to see the same guy staring at me with those suspicious eyes. The next morning I checked my mail box and found it was loaded with pens.
    This is starting to freak me out. I want to resolve the issue without violence but this guy is mysterious and scary and he won't speak to me.

    can somebody help me???????!!!!!!!!!1111
    go to the police
    and if he attacks you, then do what you can
    maybe he likes you and wants to be friends though


    • #3
      The guy needs help. He's found a thieving little bastard and doesn't know wha to do about it. I reckon he should beat the shit out of you.


      • #4
        I'm at work at the moment. I hope he doesn't see me doing this. Anyway, when I arrived at work today I found that the 'p', 'e', and 'n' keys had been detached from my ki board (go the pun!). In other word, theyre not there. I know his up to something now. This is really starting to get out of hand. Tell the police? Mate, have you seen the police iln Canada? I don't think so. Theyre not gonna believe a word I say. I don't want to be placed in a mental institution again. And no he can't bash me, he doesn't come near me. Hes scary in a mysterious way. I don't even know if he works here. I suppose your wondering how I managed to type in the keys that are missing. Im using my work buddy's computer until I get a new keyboard (thanks Brian!).
        I need to finish up now, theres a crowd standing around the water cooler and i gotta go find out what the hell's goin on.
        But please, somebody give me a solution outta this problem.


        • #5
          Keep your thieving fingers to yourself for starters.


          • #6
            About the water cooler yesterday...
            i aproached the water cooler cautiusly and pushed through the crowd. I stopped in horror at the site of my P E and N keys, floating in the water cooler!!!!!!!!!!!1
            Mr Mullet was sitting at his nearby desk looking disinterested. Then somebody yelled out that my keyboard was missing those three keys. The room started to spin around, all eyes were on me. I could see that damn short guy with the blond mullet and goatee somewhere in the crowd and staring at me with those suspicious eyes. Then I snapped. I shouted, "OKAY!!!!!!!! IT WAS ME!!!!! I TOOK THE DAMN PENS!!!!!!!!!".
            That was the last thing I remember before waking up on the floor with everyone crowded around looking at me except for mullet dude and the boss said I should take the rest of the day of work. He asked once more if I was sure i was ok then i said yes he let me leave realuctantly.
            Help me out here, im going INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111


            • #7
              Did they frisk you before you left the office?

              I would have.


              • #8
                Why dont you wait till he comes outside after work and beat the crap out of him?


                O wait i read further you should go and see a doctor


                • #9
                  Stop thinking and act

                  True martial artists aren't strong just because of their ability to beat someone up, but because through training they learn to stand tall and confident. We also learn that the best attack is often the shortest simplist one. Life is simple, so simple that people overcomplicate it with uneccasary thought and worry. You stole pens through a bad habit. That got you in trouble. You no longer want to be in trouble. Solution? stop stealing pens! Walk to the mullet man and say "you caught me, nice subtle message, don't worry, I'm done stealing pens." I know how scary mullets are, but if you want to get something done, than do it. Worrying and thinking about things while hesitating to act will do nothing for you, and just like in a fight, it will get you beat. The reason he's in control of you now is because he's not scared and he acts on his feelings while you sit back in fear. If you don't like something, than you have 3 options: feel bad about it and cry; suck it up and deal with it and learn to be happy; or change the situation so that it becomes favorable to you.

                  If you want to do something, do it and it will be done. If you want something, take it and it's yours.


                  • #10
                    ur letting this dude get to u. he is doing some lame shit and ur letting it get the best of u. i say u find out were his cubicle is and do something messed up to him, like spill some black coffee on his papers, or in his hardrive when he is not there. make sure he understands he cant keep messing with u without consequences, or it will get worse. confront him if u want, he could just deny it and make u look worse. id do something back to him and just deny involvlment, and if it gets the best of him mabye he will try to get physical, were u can then dipatch him in self defense

