As most of you know, I'm a fairly decent person. But I do do some things that othre poeple might not like. One of these, everyday at work at the office I take a pen or two and slip it in my pocket before I go home. Nobody seemed to notice and I have been diong it for few months now. But yesterdya I was taking one of those expensive calligraphy pens and I slipped it in my pocket. I looked around to see if anyone had bbeen watching and i saw this short guy with a blond mullet and a goatee standing at the other side of the room. He was just staring at me with suspiscious eyes and the his stare sent a shivver down my spine. I quickly left and went home immedetely. The next day when I arrived at work, as soon as I came into my office room I saw the same guy who was staring at me yesterday and he was sitting im MY chair, at MY cubicle. We werre the only two peiople in the room as I prefer to arrive early. I said 'hi' and he just withdrew to a corner and preseeded to stare at me with those suspichious eyes. Before I left work I was about to do my daily business when i noticed there were no pens in the pen storer. I looked around to see the same guy staring at me with those suspicious eyes. The next morning I checked my mail box and found it was loaded with pens.
This is starting to freak me out. I want to resolve the issue without violence but this guy is mysterious and scary and he won't speak to me.
can somebody help me???????!!!!!!!!!1111

This is starting to freak me out. I want to resolve the issue without violence but this guy is mysterious and scary and he won't speak to me.
can somebody help me???????!!!!!!!!!1111