Martial arts could be seen to have strong relations to religions? Even though i'm not religious in anyway- But religions promote self-peace and harmony which is the same for martial arts and fighting when only necessary but doing it so with honour. This is my perception on the comparison, Since i'm not religious yet follow teachings of martial arts, since i find great value in the majority of their morals. I haven't studied all of the different concpets of martial arts in depth; thus not being able know for definite. But do you as martial artists follow just one particular set of concepts? Do you find conflictions if you dont'?
If thiers any followers of religion and martial arts and religion, since both have both strong and possibly conflicting concepts, which ones do you live by?
I know this is very quisitive.
If thiers any followers of religion and martial arts and religion, since both have both strong and possibly conflicting concepts, which ones do you live by?
I know this is very quisitive.